12 Thoughts for Marketing: The Condensed Version

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

Continued from page 1

Overcome any objectionsrepparttar buyer may have. You must be able to convince evenrepparttar 121760 most hardened skeptics.

7. How can I get them to buy NOW?

Use Time Frames - Whenever it is possible initiate a time frame. One ofrepparttar 121761 best motivators in ad copy isrepparttar 121762 time frame or better putrepparttar 121763 "Time Limit".

Fear makes a great motivator. Fear of missing a great deal or fear of what can happen without your product.

Motivate you reader to buy NOW. Make your product so attractive that your reader has no choice but to buy.

Make Your Offer Irresistible - All good copywriters will tell you,repparttar 121764 secret to great copy is to make it impossible to say "No"!

8. How Can I Relate Better torepparttar 121765 Reader?

Ad copy must relate and communicate like average people.

Be Personal - Address you reader inrepparttar 121766 first person. In many situationsrepparttar 121767 "human touch" is a great benefit as well.

Be Sincere - People can spot phonies and phony copy just as easy.

Flattery Will Get You Everywhere - Vanity will serve its purpose, as long as you don't overdo it.

Speak torepparttar 121768 Reader, not atrepparttar 121769 Reader

Appeal torepparttar 121770 reader's emotions and instincts.

Capture and keeprepparttar 121771 reader's interest.

Appeal torepparttar 121772 reader's ego and self-interest.

Make your reader believe in you.

Research - Know your product and know your audience!

9. Prove It!

Showrepparttar 121773 facts and proof of your claims.

Showcase Your Guarantee - Withrepparttar 121774 overwhelming abundance of Internet and Mail Fraud plaguing us, people need a guarantee. Put your prospect at ease. Clearly emphasize guarantees, no obligation inquiries and customer service. The bigger and longer,repparttar 121775 better.

10. Ok, they bought, now what?

Don't makerepparttar 121776 mistake of relying on one product or product line. You sales and marketing approach should be able to easily lead into back-end offers.

11. Well, my ad has been running a while now...

If it's not broken....Don't Fix It! That's not to say that you shouldn't test new marketing ideas, but never drop a winner.

Emulate other successful (but not over used) ad copy structures.

12. Are you Dedicated?

Work, Patience and Sacrifice. Lets face it, if it were easy, everybody would succeed. To succeed you must dedicate yourself to doing what needs done not working onrepparttar 121777 clock. You must haverepparttar 121778 patience and persistence to tough outrepparttar 121779 hard times, and oh yes, there are hard times. Be prepared to sacrifice your time and too often your social and personal life inrepparttar 121780 pursuit of success. Nobody said it was an easy road to follow, and if they did.....They were lying!

Get Things Done. Efficiency is gettingrepparttar 121781 job done right, Effectiveness is gettingrepparttar 121782 right job done.

Follow Opportunity Instead of Savoring Security. Real worth and wealth is generated from within you. It comes from being prepared, knowing how to spot, act upon and capitalize from opportunities.

Wild Bill Montgomery ATTENTION: Are You Tired Of Fooling Around Yet? When It's Time For You To Get Down To Business, Get The Best In Marketing & Business Information! To Subscribe & Get Your FREE Reports & Software go to

Tempt Them with a Taste

Written by Lisa Lake

Continued from page 1

Pride in her baked products, combined with some marketing genius and a little southern charm, made her bakery a winner.

What if your business doesn't sell food?

Vendors at trade shows are spending huge sums on decking out booths and rented suites with food themes. A company I worked for spent weeks developing a chocolate theme. Chocolate everything, down to huge printed photographic murals of chocolate chips adhered torepparttar walls. Duringrepparttar 121759 trade show they hired girls to pass out printed menus ofrepparttar 121760 tantalizing chocolate desserts inrepparttar 121761 company's suite. Did it work? Agents hoarded intorepparttar 121762 suite. Listening to a pitch on long distance service was simply more enjoyable while nibbling chocolate truffles. They did a booming business that day.

The winter holidays offer an ideal time to tempt browsers intorepparttar 121763 store withrepparttar 121764 smell of hot cocoa. A cool cup of lemonade is a fun way to attract shoppers to a summertime sidewalk sale. I think there's nothing nicer for weary shoppers than a discreet table set up with coffee and cookies. It's a lovely gesture and one ofrepparttar 121765 cheaper efforts you could ever make at developing good will and customer loyalty.

Lisa Lake provides marketing advice and writes web copy, sales letters, articles, ads, and press releases. .See her free tips at http://MyAdBlaster.com and catch advice from the staff at http://InternetWriters.com Quick turnaround on writing from classified ads to ezines and ebooks. Reach Lisa at lisa@drnunley.com or 801-328-9006.

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