12 Basic Paintball Rules To Keep You in the Game

Written by Andrea Wilson

Continued from page 1

8. Clothing

Some fields and most tournaments do not allow short pants or short-sleeved shirts. There's a very good reason for this rule: paint balls sting and leave welts that can last for several days!

Tournaments will usually specifyrepparttar kind of material a player's clothes can be made of (not a slippery material that can easily be wiped clean of paint) andrepparttar 110940 style of clothing (not oversized or baggy). They will usually forbidrepparttar 110941 wearing of camouflage patterns and ghillie suits as paint doesn't show up easily on these.

9. Goggle Systems

While games are in progress, it is mandatory for anyone near or onrepparttar 110942 shooting range or playing field to wear goggles that meet ASTM F1776 standards. This includes judges, referees, players and spectators.

Goggle systems must include a full face mask and ear protection made for that model. No component ofrepparttar 110943 goggle system may be altered fromrepparttar 110944 manufacturer's specifications.

Goggles must be worn at all times inrepparttar 110945 chronograph/shooting range and onrepparttar 110946 playing field. Any player removing their goggles FOR ANY REASON will be eliminated fromrepparttar 110947 game immediately.

If you are having problems with your goggles fogging up, or you need to adjust your goggles for any reason signal to a referee. They will supervise you while you remove or lift your goggles. This rule even applies to wipingrepparttar 110948 sweat from under your goggles. Tournaments will apply a penalty to any player lifting their mask and eliminate them fromrepparttar 110949 game.

10. Paint Balls

Only field paint is allowed in tournaments and on most commercial paintball fields. This eliminatesrepparttar 110950 problem of old, brittle paint balls (or frozen paint balls!) being brought torepparttar 110951 field. Checkrepparttar 110952 rules at your field. BYOP = Bring Your Own Paint; FPO = Field Paint Only. Tournaments are very particular about paint and most won't even allow "blood red" colored paint onrepparttar 110953 field.

11. Foul Language

Using foul language is an infraction ofrepparttar 110954 rules in tournaments and will be cause for elimination. Recball fields and scenario games may have more lenient rules, but to be safe, DON'T SWEAR!

12. Age Limit

All commercial paintball fields will have an age limit as paintball is not a game for young children. Paint balls travel at high speed and can cause bruises and welts even through clothing. A paint ball accidentally hitting someone inrepparttar 110955 eye can cause permanent damage. Players must acceptrepparttar 110956 risk of serious injury and sign a waiver to that effect.

Knowingrepparttar 110957 Rules Will Keep You inrepparttar 110958 Game

Of course, these are not allrepparttar 110959 rules for playing paintball and rules differ from field to field. However, these basic rules will ensure that you're allowed to play paintball anywhere.

All other rules you may encounter apply to things that will be within your control onrepparttar 110960 particular field you're playing on. For instance some fields allow head shots (called "goggling") and some do not. This rule is one you learn onrepparttar 110961 spot as you readrepparttar 110962 rules forrepparttar 110963 field before you startrepparttar 110964 game. Readingrepparttar 110965 rules is important and will prevent you from being eliminated fromrepparttar 110966 game unecessarily. "I didn't know," isn't an excuse any referee will accept!

Andrea Wilson is a writer and the mother of a teenage paintball fanatic. To learn more about paintball, she recommends you take a look at http://www.PaintballHeroes.com and http://www.PaintballPicks.com.

What Do I Wear To Play Paintball?

Written by Andrea Wilson

Continued from page 1

6. Goggle Systems

Goggle systems are getting more and more sophisticated every day. Some goggle systems have built in fans to prevent fogging. Some even have built in communication systems! These are especially useful for recball and scenario games.

The most important thing to remember when buying goggles is that they must meet or exceed ASTM standards. This is for your safety and should never be compromised. If you have to spend a few more dollars to get ASTM certified goggles, it will be money well spent!

Another important thing to remember when buying goggles is to be sure they fit well and feel comfortable. Your goggles have to become part of you because you CANNOT take them off or even lift them even for a second during a game. You have to WANT to wear your goggles.

Never make any modifications torepparttar factory specifications of your goggle system. The mask and goggles must be made to work together. Do not try to combine parts from different systems!

7. Vests

Vests are generally only used for scenario paintball games where they're used to carry a pistol, grenades, tubes (to carry extra paintballs), etc. They come in many colors and patterns, and are often theme-based in style, including police, CIA, military, offbeat, etc. You can even get one custom made! You can find some here: http://www.ablewebs.com/rap4.htm, http://www.cops911.com/category.asp?id=114.

8. Patches

Police and S.W.A.T. patches are popular with paintball players. These are patches you iron on to your combat or police-style jacket or vest. You can find some here: http://www.ablewebs.com/rap4.htm

9. Tattoos

While not technically considered clothing, tattoos among paintball players are quite popular. The rule is: If you see a tattoo you like, wait 12 months before you get it. If you still like it and still likerepparttar 110939 idea of getting a tattoo afterrepparttar 110940 year is up, then go for it... always assuming your family is supportive, of course!

Most paintball players don't have tattoos specific to paintball, but some do, of course.You can do a search in Google or Yahoo for "paintball tatoos" to see if you can find some examples of paintball tattos you might like. Or, get an artist friend of yours to design one for you.

Byrepparttar 110941 way, as we mentioned inrepparttar 110942 article on paintball safety, paintball sometimes hurts. And so does getting tattooed. Neither are forrepparttar 110943 faint of heart!

Develop Your Own Style... Withinrepparttar 110944 Rules of Paintball

What you wear to play paintball doesn't matter once you've followedrepparttar 110945 basic rules and recommendations. Just develop your own style over time as you observe others and shop around to add to your paintball wardrobe. Don't forget to shop online, too. There are enough paintball supply stores online to keep you busy for quite awhile. You can start here: http://www.ablewebs.com/rap4.htm.

Andrea Wilson is a writer and the mother of a teenage paintball fanatic. To learn more about paintball, she recommends you take a look at http://www.PaintballHeroes.com and http://www.PaintballPicks.com.

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