11 Secrets of Building a Great Business

Written by Syd Stewart

Continued from page 1

Profits - a good steady, better than average return forrepparttar type of business

Enjoyment - their happy with their investment,repparttar 104659 customers and staff are happy. Theyre all smiling.

So how do you progress to fulfil all these measures? What strategy should you follow?

I would recommend using natures strategy -repparttar 104660 fundamentals of evolution and genetics that can cope with an ever-changing business environment and yet create great species.

The only thing that is certain is change.

Here arerepparttar 104661 two factors you need to get on top ofrepparttar 104662 measures that determine a great business

Control and stability - nature reproduces with great fidelity - only making one mistake in 1 billion, you need to learn how to do your work predictably and reliably, time and time again overrepparttar 104663 generations of staff that will move through your business.

Constantly adapt - nature has great diversity and variety. This diversity stems from these rare reproduction errors or mutations inrepparttar 104664 genetic building block structure. These new genes that lead to new traits or capabilities that sometimes give a better fit or have an advantage inrepparttar 104665 current environment and so flourish. Itsrepparttar 104666 survival ofrepparttar 104667 fittest.

Nature does not start all over again with a fresh start, it builds onrepparttar 104668 best it has today.

To mimic this process in business you must move slowly and in small steps, build everything in building blocks, and learn from your mistakes and that of others. To gain diversity you need to maximise outside influence, for example, by building a powerful contact network and hiring staff with different backgrounds to bring new capabilities and skills.

Your first move to becoming a great business by meetingrepparttar 104669 above customer and staff measures is to begin to adapt slowly, building onrepparttar 104670 best you have today to gain control and enhance your diversity or capability.

Syd Stewart is the author of "Smiling Owner - How to Build a Great Small Business - An Evolutionary Approach". He has been an Business owner and manager for over 30 years.Visit his site to find out how you can Build a Great Small Business at http://www.smilingowner.com

How Invisible Communication Barriers Affect Productivity

Written by Azriel Winnett

Continued from page 1

Then what'srepparttar problem? Simply this: relative torepparttar 104658 time and energy he has invested in his job, Mr Brown is underpaid. Period.

But a few weeks ago, he tookrepparttar 104659 bull byrepparttar 104660 horns.

Knocking on Mr Thompson's door, he explained that, inrepparttar 104661 long run, a hefty raise would be inrepparttar 104662 company's interest as much as his own. In return, moreover, he would be very happy to take on extra responsibilities.

Our COO seemed more than sympathetic. The vice president in charge ofrepparttar 104663 budget was out ofrepparttar 104664 country at that moment, but Mr Thompson promised to raiserepparttar 104665 matter immediately onrepparttar 104666 VP's return. In all probability, his consent would be a mere formality.

Today isrepparttar 104667 day that has been set down forrepparttar 104668 verdict to be delivered.

The butterflies in our supervisor's stomach give way to cautious optimism as he enters his superior's office. He has faith inrepparttar 104669 justice of his cause, and isn't Mr Thompson on his side?

''Ah, Mr Brown, good to see you!''

Mr Thompson's warm smile suddenly freezes in mid-air. His face seems to change color - or perhaps we're just imagining it?

''Ahem...Yes...'' He pauses forrepparttar 104670 proverbial two seconds that seem like an eternity. What'srepparttar 104671 matter? Has Mr Thompson, who never forgets anything, only just remembered something important?

''Look, I'm sorry, I didn't have a chance to discuss that matter with Mr Hodgkinson yet, but I have some important information in connection with our machinery problems. Can you make a note of a few things?''

But Mr Brown,repparttar 104672 epitome of conscientiousness, is as human asrepparttar 104673 next person. He's hardly in a state for mental notes.

The kind of emotional blackoutrepparttar 104674 work supervisor is now experiencing is an obstacle to effective communication as real as it's intangible.

It's no less of a barrier thanrepparttar 104675 noise of a pneumatic drill punctuatingrepparttar 104676 conversation of two people inrepparttar 104677 street. -----------

Copyright, Azriel Winnett. All rights reserved.

For permission to reprint, contact info@hodu.com . Permission will usually be granted immediately.

Azriel Winnett is the creator of Hodu.Com - Your Communication Skills Portal . This popular Web destination helps you enhance your communication skills at all levels - in business and the professions, in marriage and the family unit and on the social scene. New articles and tutorials added weekly.

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