11 Quick and Good Ezine Content Ideas

Written by Alexandria K. Brown

Continued from page 1

7. Interview associates whose expertise would interest your readers (while not competing with yours). E-mail interviews are incredibly easy to do. Just send your interviewee 3 to 5 questions via e-mail, edit their answers, and have them approverepparttar final version. Be sure to give them a short plug in your e-zine as a thank you. (A one-sentence description of their business, phone number, their Web site URL, and e-mail address should be fine.)

8. Recommend books and resources that you use, and offer full reviews on them. In one issue of my first e-zine, “AKB MarCom Tips,” I featured reviews of my favorite four copywriting resource books. I then later posted them at my Web site.

9. Invite readers to write you with their own questions, and answer one in each issue. Right after their question, publishrepparttar 135972 person’s name, business, e-mail, and Web site address. They’ll enjoyrepparttar 135973 attention/publicity!

10. Invite readers to send in profiles. Ask them to tell you about themselves — their names, businesses, locations, and how they userepparttar 135974 information gained in your e-zine. Feature one profile in each issue or one every few issues.

11. When all else fails, borrow an article! There are dozens of Web sites offering hundreds of articles that you can use in your e-zine. The articles are free and available for you to use immediately. The only catch is you’re required to leaverepparttar 135975 entire article intact, includingrepparttar 135976 author’s promotional information.

Here are three places to check out for free content: Business Article Announce List — http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aabusiness Marketing Seek — http://www.marketing-seek.com World Wide Information Outlet — http://www.certificate.net/wwio/index.shtml

One last note: Keep in mind that if your e-zine’s main objective is to get you more clients and customers, you should not feature other writers' articles more than once in a blue moon. Showcasing other professionals on a regular basis underminesrepparttar 135977 idea of establishing YOU asrepparttar 135978 expert in your readers' minds.

(c) 2002 Alexandria K. Brown


Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of the e-book, "Boost Business With Your Own E-zine," available at http://www.ezine-queen.com. For *hundreds* more great tips like these, visit her site and sign up for her FREE biweekly newsletter, "Tips from the E-zine Queen." Don't miss the next issue - subscribe today!

How to Get E-zine Subscribers From In-Person Events

Written by Alexandria K. Brown

Continued from page 1

"Dear Margaret,

It was a pleasure to chat with you at [EVENT NAME HERE] last Thursday. I'd like to learn more about your business and how we can help each other. Perhaps we can meet for coffee next week?

Inrepparttar meantime, you may enjoy my FREE weekly e-zine "Straight Shooter Marketing" that gives tips on how to market yourself online. I write it for small business owners just like you! You can learn more and sign up at www.EzineQueen.com

Take care and let's stay in touch.

Best, Alexandria K. Brown, 'The E-zine Queen'"

Once again, this strategy also gets these people to visit your Web site, which they may not have done otherwise. (Very cool, yes?)

3) Are yourepparttar 135971 Speaker? Pass Around a Signup Sheet or Collect Cards Whenever I'mrepparttar 135972 featured speaker at an event, I make sure to giverepparttar 135973 audience members an easy way to sign up for my e-zine. I either pass around a signup sheet to collect their names and e-mail addresses, OR I collect business cards when I draw a winner for a free book.

If you userepparttar 135974 business card method, tellrepparttar 135975 audience to write an "E" for e-zine on their card — this lets you know they want to be signed up for your newsletter. Some speakers dorepparttar 135976 opposite, and tellrepparttar 135977 audience that if they do NOT want to be subscribed to their e-zine, to put a "NO" on their card, but I'm more comfortable withrepparttar 135978 former method.

Remember, Your List Is Your Goldmine!

People you meet in person will be very valuable subscribers, because they've already met you. And we're all more likely to buy from others whom we know, like, and trust.

Your in-person meeting will start that process, and your e-zine will follow-through for you, automatically!

(c) 2003 Alexandria K. Brown


Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of the e-book, "Boost Business With Your Own E-zine," available at http://www.ezine-queen.com. For *hundreds* more great tips like these, visit her site and sign up for her FREE weekly newsletter, "Staight Shooter Marketing." Don't miss the next issue - subscribe today!

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