11 FREE Ways How To Explode Your Website Traffic Hit Counter

Written by www.affila.com

Continued from page 1

7) Submit your website to directories and other websites that accept submissions. You can find such websites by visiting search engine such as Google, and searching for "add url" "your keywords", "add site" "your keywords", "your keywords" "directory". There are hundreds of other variations you can search for.

8) Post at forums. Participate in forum discussions and leave a link to your website in your signature line. Makerepparttar title ofrepparttar 120411 link catchy by stating a benefit to get more people click on it.

9) Go to http://www.affila.com/ and learn about website traffic and opt in list building methods that work today. Visitrepparttar 120412 website and use your first name and email to subscribe torepparttar 120413 course that it offers.

10) Make your website viral. In your website offer content that literally forces your visitors to tell their friends about your website. Add "tell-a-friend" functionality to your website. An excellent example of viral website is http://www.themeatrix.com. This website gets tons of viral traffic.

11) Write testimonials. Write testimonials for products that you like and that you have used. If you're lucky, your testimonial can be onrepparttar 120414 product sales page that has hundreds of visitors every day. That would mean your website link in testimonial clicked many times.

Use these methods and watch your website traffic stats literally explode.

Learn more effective traffic generation and opt in list building techniques from http://www.affila.com/ or send a blank email to affila@aweber.com .

Are You Driving Your Marketing Like a Stuntman or a Reckless Driver?

Written by Dan Hamilton

Continued from page 1

So everything is checked and you are on a full tank and are absolutely confident you will be able to drive your marketing onrepparttar road leading to success. You think you are ready. Finally, it is reality-check time onrepparttar 120410 marketing battlefield!

But before long, it turns outrepparttar 120411 road is bumpier than you thought, you see other competitors passing you by and leaving you inrepparttar 120412 dust. Their marketing vehicles is way more powerful and these guys know how to drive way better than you do. They drive effectively, efficiently, based on their experience ofrepparttar 120413 road andrepparttar 120414 many challenges they already have overcome many times.

Your vehicle is puffing, comes to a stop. Out of gas. Out of marketing ammunitions, that is. You are stranded inrepparttar 120415 middle of nowhere. It was supposed to berepparttar 120416 ride of your life and you are busted. You think ofrepparttar 120417 term "learning curve" and say: "Ok, what I need to learn I will learn by doing sorepparttar 120418 more I drive,repparttar 120419 better off I will be..." Only true if you are on an unlimited budget -- but who is?

So you're gonna have to take some driving lessons and presto! Don't even think of getting back onrepparttar 120420 road before improving your driving or you will be toasted pulp for good next time!

Have your vehicle marketing checked by an expert for any missing parts and do learn how to drive that thing! Only there are many instructors that have absolutely no clues whatsoever on how to drive a successful marketing campaign and yet that's another challenge.

If you are tired of visiting smash-repair shops and instead want to learn how to drive your marketing precisely and efficiently to produce outrageous results, why not listen torepparttar 120421 most respected marketing instructor inrepparttar 120422 field: Jay Conrad Levinson -- if you are willing to listen, he is willing to show you how to improve your driving and help you jump overrepparttar 120423 last remaining difficulties like Robbie Knievel overrepparttar 120424 Grand Canyon!

I invite you to learnrepparttar 120425 latest Guerrilla Marketing Strategies from Jay Conrad Levinson--live:

http:/ inyurl.com/yut3u

Allrepparttar 120426 best, Dan Hamilton

Dan Hamilton is a Certified Guerrilla Marketer ( http://tinyurl.com/2mgz3/certif.htm ) Proudly Affiliated with Jay Conrad Levinson's Guerrilla Marketing Association

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