10 winter camping rules to live by

Written by James Bishop - WisconsinGuide Magazine

Continued from page 1

Ziploc bags also make preparing ahead easy. For breakfast, just add hot water to a bag of cereal and dry milk. Or for dinner, drop a zipped bag of frozen spaghetti into boiling water until thawed.

Make sure to take along plenty of snacks such as candy bars and trail mix to munch on for quick energy throughoutrepparttar day.

Eighth rule: Keeping warm duringrepparttar 133927 day depends on your clothing. Technology has provided today’s winter camper with more and better choices than cotton and wool. Polypropylene, a synthetic fabric, holds little moisture and actually moves body dampness away fromrepparttar 133928 skin into outer clothes. I start with polypropylene underwear tops and bottoms.

Next comes a wool or polyfleece shirt and pants. Synthetic fleece has many ofrepparttar 133929 same qualities as wool but must be carefully used around a fire since it melts.

Wool and fleece are great insulators but fail to stop wind from reachingrepparttar 133930 skin, sorepparttar 133931 next layer needed is a lightweight wind jacket and pants. I recommend nylon or a Gore-Tex type material which allows body moisture to escape while preventing snow and rain from reachingrepparttar 133932 skin.

The last layer may berepparttar 133933 most important. That’srepparttar 133934 parka or heavy coat. I recommend a synthetically filled winter coat that goes torepparttar 133935 waist or slightly below since a longer coat keeps warmth inrepparttar 133936 body core where it is needed most.

All these layers trap body heat and moisture. They function best when dry. Allow body moisture to escape by shedding layers when physical activity demands.

One final note about clothing: Raingear goes on every trip with me regardless ofrepparttar 133937 forecast. Moisture robs heat, a loss one cannot afford inrepparttar 133938 winter.

Ninth rule: Take care of your extremities withrepparttar 133939 proper hats, gloves and boots. Seventy percent of heat loss can come from your head, so a good hat must provide warmth and wick moisture. I believe in being prepared and take a musher’s hat, wool watch cap, fleece headband and fleece balaclava.

By taking three pair of wool-fingered gloves, I ensure there’s always a dry pair. Chopper mitts with fleece mitten inserts are used for extreme conditions and collecting firewood.

Footwear is as important as headgear. If your feet freeze you’ll have a rough time getting home. Purchaserepparttar 133940 warmest and lightest boots available. Buy them big enough for at least two pair of heavy socks with room enough to wiggle your toes.

I take two pair of boots on every winter trip. One is a lightweight mukluk good for –30°. Should these get wet, I can switch to a pair of more waterproof pac boots with felt liners. I carry an extra set of liners that can either go intorepparttar 133941 mukluk orrepparttar 133942 pac boot. On several trips I’ve submersed one pair of boots in water and had to switch.

Buyrepparttar 133943 best quality wool socks onrepparttar 133944 market. In fact buy four pair and bring them with you. Wear two pair and keep two in reserve. Wear them to bed, as they’ll dry out on your feet while sleeping.

Tenth rule: Have fun! Lest you think winter camping is all work and no play… What’s there to do for fun on a winter camping trip? Plenty! Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hikingrepparttar 133945 backcountry and ice-fishing to name just a few.

Ever play tennis ball golf? Get a few old golf clubs and some new red tennis balls. On a wind-swept lake, plot out holes with sticks or rocks. Hitrepparttar 133946 balls towardrepparttar 133947 holes. Make your own rules.

My son and his gang of Boy Scouts shoveled off a hockey rink every winter outing we ever went on. Kids without sticks used snow shovels. They played from sun-up to sundown. We scoutmasters put our ice fishing tip-ups a distance fromrepparttar 133948 field of play and refereed fromrepparttar 133949 sidelines until a flag popped.

One final word. Getting all this gear to a backwoods camp may seem like a daunting task fit for onlyrepparttar 133950 most rugged expeditionists. You do have to be in good physical shape to facerepparttar 133951 rigors of winter camping. Unless you’re going to a drive-in site, you may be hauling this gear several miles. I use a plastic children’s toboggan that’s about four feet long and a foot wide. I pilerepparttar 133952 heaviest gear onrepparttar 133953 bottom, cover it all with a tarp and fasten it with bungee cords.

And of course, always let a friend know where you are going and your expected time of return.

Properly planned for, winter camping can be one ofrepparttar 133954 finest ways to enjoyrepparttar 133955 beautiful landscape here in Wisconsin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Comfort camping inrepparttar 133956 cold

Writer and outdoorsman James Bishop prefersrepparttar 133957 rugged approach to winter camping, sometimes even sleeping underrepparttar 133958 stars without a tent. He takes two or three foil blankets along on every trip.

For those a little more fond of their creature comforts, Carl and John’s Paddlin’ in Madison rents tents and wood stoves suitable for winter camping. Space All Weather Blanket 5’x7’ blanket; 12 oz. radiates 80% of body heat back to you $11.95 at REI 608-833-6680 www.rei.com 8’x10’ Snowtrekker tent suitable for two people 3-day rental, $50 Carl & John’s Paddlin’ 800-386-1299 www.paddlin.comFour Dog wood stove for heating and cooking 3-day rental, $35 Carl & John’s Paddlin’ 800-386-1299 www.paddlin.com

For more on Where to go & What to do in Wisconsin, check out http://www.WisconsinGuide.com


Wisconsin Friday night fish fry – 10 of the best

Written by Dennis Boyer - WisconsinGuide Magazine

Continued from page 1
*#5 – VFW Post 2312 – solid Americana and plenty of living history. A great example of how fish fries build community. 1428 17th Street, Monroe. *#4 – Green Lantern – a retreat spot for visitors torepparttar nearby Vietnam memorial atrepparttar 133926 Highground,repparttar 133927 mood is quiet andrepparttar 133928 fare simple. Fish fry every day! 231 W. 7th Street, Neillsville. *#3 – Hookers Resort – lazy summers and cozy winters. Heard my first Norwegian joke here. Highway V, Poynette, on Lake Wisconsin. *#2 – Titletown Brewing – rail depot nostalgia, classy atmosphere, and delectable perch. 200 Dousman Street, Green Bay. *#1 – Polar Bear Pub and Eatery – farmers, construction workers, and card players. Closest fish fry to my farm, with warm proprietor Linda presiding. Highway 39, Linden.

– Dennis Boyer

Dennis Boyer, author of regional lore like Gone Missing: A Supernatural Tour ofrepparttar 133929 Great Lakes and Snow onrepparttar 133930 Rails: Tales of Heartland Railroading, also compiled Great Wisconsin Taverns.

For more on Where to go & What to do in Wisconsin, check out http://www.WisconsinGuide.com


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