10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life

Written by Elisha Goldstein

Continued from page 1

5. Take a Bath or Shower. Preferably a bath if you have one, but even with a shower, you can take your moment inrepparttar shower or bath to feelrepparttar 141646 warmth ofrepparttar 141647 water or feel how your body is immersed inrepparttar 141648 water. How does your skin feel? Do you notice any smells? Is your hair wet. Just be inrepparttar 141649 moment and notice all your senses....breathe.

6. Make Love Slightly Slower for a few moments. As you are making love to your significant other, take a moment to purposely move slightly slower. As you do this begin to mentally feel over all parts of your body. How your skin feels when touching his/hers, how are you breathing? Are you sweating? Is there a scent inrepparttar 141650 air. Take a moment and really be there making love.

7. Smell a flower for an extra breath. This one I love. Often times I will be passing by a flower and if I remember to smell it, I take an extra inhalation to really getrepparttar 141651 full experience ofrepparttar 141652 scent. You will be surprised how much that extra inhalation makes a difference inrepparttar 141653 experience.

8. Be Silly. I'm serious;). Being silly allows your creative juices to flow and your creative juices is what life is all about. Letting yourself be silly can also be very relaxing and create joyful situations that are full of meaning.

9. Write a letter to someone close to you... telling them how much you appreciate them. This is not a new idea by any stretch yet it is always worth mentioning since it is so meaningful. A letter that that person will always cherish.

10. Remind yourself that you are a miracle. This may berepparttar 141654 most important. How they heck did any of us get here? When we break it down to nanotechnology and quantum physics, scientists are stumped to figure outrepparttar 141655 great mystery of us physically being here and interacting and creating symbols and concepts and communicating.

It's boggling. That's why our moments on this earth are so precious and it is a wonderful gift to attempt to cultivate those moments in life that you consider to be sacred.

You getrepparttar 141656 idea...try it out.

Elisha Goldstein is a 4th year doctoral student at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto. He is currently exploring how the cultivation of sacred moments in daily life affects well-being and stress. If you would consider participating in this invaluable study, please go to http://sacredmomentstudy.blogspot.com You can also check out http://mindfulmoments.blogspot.com

Can You Handle a Long Distance Relationship?

Written by Debbie Anderson

Continued from page 1

- You orrepparttar other partner has a history of manic depression or depression. Once again infidelity and unpredictability accompany these disorders.

- You arerepparttar 141625 third wheel in a love triangle. If he or she is off to see an ex, a wife or children you might have a problem on your hands.

- You are an emotionally insecure codependent who suffers from anxiety if he or she goes torepparttar 141626 store, never mind a long ways away.

- You have a history of jealousy or suspicion.

- You need a hug every day.

- You need sex every day.

- You do not write good letters or don't like communicating via email or yahoo messenger.

- You don't communicate well onrepparttar 141627 phone.

- You can't afford a computer or long distance calls.

Debbie Anderson is author of: "Love At A Distance - 47 Simple Ways to Improve Your Long-Distance Relationship Today!" You can get it free for a limited time at: http://loveatadistance.com

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