"10 Ways Writing Articles Can Improve Your Business"

Written by Jeff Schuman

Continued from page 1

6. Publish a book with all your articles. Make extra money sellingrepparttar book from your web site.

7. Give people an instant article directory. Tell visitors they can instantly add a free article directory to their web site by linking to yours. All those links can add up to a large amount of traffic to your web site.

8. Post your articles in related online communities. This can give you free advertising in newsgroups, forums and e-mail discussion lists.

9. Allow people to include your articles in their free e-books. Your article could end up being in 20 to 30 e-books in no time. You won't even have to promoterepparttar 128758 e-books.

10. Let people access your articles by autorepsonder. Include your full page e-mail ad withrepparttar 128759 article.

Jeff Schuman is a 20 year veteran of sales and marketing and has made over $35 million dollars in sales in that time. His Team-Schuman.Com website contains the Top 5 work at home websites, make money fast websites, make money articles, a free classified ad service and more. Vist it here today: http://www.Team-Schuman.com http://www.ezine-in-a-box.com

You Are What You Write: Self-Motivation For Writers

Written by Lisa Collazo LCSW

Continued from page 1

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1.When did you first discover that you wanted to be a writer? 2.Where were you? 3.What experience led you to makerepparttar decision to write?

If writers become aware that they are dreaming solely of fame and fortune when reflecting onrepparttar 128757 question "why do I write," than it may be time to search deeper within themselves to learn if writing is indeed what they are meant to do.

When we answer these questions and become more tuned into our needs, we can begin to reflect on what sustains and feeds our writer’s soul.

Every writer has his or her own unique way of keepingrepparttar 128758 writing fuels burning. For some, it is simply a matter of maintaining a writing schedule and habitually sticking with it like brushing their teeth or eating a meal at a specific time. For others, it is important to be inrepparttar 128759 company of writers, whether it’s a few writer friends, a group or a seminar.

There is no secret to maintaining your momentum as a writer. Whatever works for you will berepparttar 128760 best choice.

The key to writing well is a deeper understanding of ourselves, what motivates us and what fuels our writing. When you find yourself struggling withrepparttar 128761 written word, reflect on what it means to be a writer and you will be back inrepparttar 128762 zone in no time.

Copyright 2003, Lisa Collazo LCSW


I am a licensed clinical social worker and personal and professional coach who specializes in working with what Julia Cameron describes as "blocked creatives" in her book The Artist's Way. I help writers discover their authentic voice and challenge them to take risks with their writing.

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