10 Ways To Get Your Share of the Mature

Written by Joanne Fritz, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1
War II veterans, but not forrepparttar leading edge ofrepparttar 121533 baby boomers who started turning 55 in 2001. 3. Use realistic but positive images of mature people. Show people with wrinkles but have them doing something active. 4. Stick torepparttar 121534 facts about your product or service. Mature people make more independent judgments and base their decisions on information rather than peer pressure. 5. Design your communications so that older people will stick around and read what you have to say. 6. Avoid overly busy website design; small type sizes; garish colors; and gratuitous design elements such as flash or slow-loading graphics. 7. Avoid "hype" at all costs. The older consumer has "seen it all" and is naturally skeptical. 8. Win mature people over gradually. You will have to gain their trust before they will buy from you. 9. Give them content. Older people are avid readers and will appreciaterepparttar 121535 information you provide. 10. Sell what appeals torepparttar 121536 mature audience such as health products and information; tips on managing their retirement assets; ideas for low-cost travel; help with buying gifts for their grandchildren;repparttar 121537 low-down on repparttar 121538 best places to retire; products that make it easier for them to stay in their own homes; ways to earn extra income; and opportunities to save money.

Get withrepparttar 121539 "age wave" now, and find ways to profit from this incredible, growing group of consumers.

Joanne Fritz, Ph.D., publishes http://www.notyetretired which provides information about working and earning during retirement; and http://www.second50years.com, which brings demographic and marketing information about the mature market to businesses. Joanne can be contacted at joannef@notyetretired.com


Written by Carol Woods

Continued from page 1

2. Figure out what others have bought -----------------------------------------

You should also take a look at prior sales and see what products your customers often purchased together. This may give you some additional ideas and insight as to what add-ons go with what primary products. Update your table based on your review.

3. Develop new options (products, installation, maintenance plan) -----------------------------------------

Spend a little time thinking about additional options for add-on sales. Again, a great upsell product is less expensive thanrepparttar original purchase but is in some way related to it, and provides a fixed benefit for a fixed price.

Some options to consider: -Supplies which relate torepparttar 121532 original purchase (e.g. printer cartridges) -Maintenance or update agreement -Premium service - such as a special phone number to call with questions -Extra or printed copies of a report or e-book

4. Script your plan -----------------------------------------

You now have enough information to develop your upsell script. This is a simple as askingrepparttar 121533 buyer "would you like _ with that" atrepparttar 121534 time of purchase. I would also suggest you include some sort of reason to purchase. Here is an example "Would you like a set of 2 additional printer cartridges along with that? We can ship them to you withrepparttar 121535 printer so they'll be available whenever you need them."

Selectrepparttar 121536 products you will offer with a particular primary purchase by reviewing your product table. You will want to emphasize those items which relate torepparttar 121537 primary purchase and which haverepparttar 121538 highest return to you. (In fact, you may even consider raising prices ofrepparttar 121539 add-on products; there is often less price resistance atrepparttar 121540 point of sale).

Make it easy onrepparttar 121541 person talking torepparttar 121542 customer by having a separate sheet or separate section on a sheet for each primary product withrepparttar 121543 specific add-ons to offer.

You can also do this via a web site, by showing pictures ofrepparttar 121544 related products belowrepparttar 121545 primary product description or next to their selected items inrepparttar 121546 order summary or shopping cart.

You're now ready to go. Happy upselling!

(c) 2002 Carol Woods

Carol Woods is the editor of Work at Home Income, a weekly publication of Income Building Blocks. IBB offers free ideas, information and inspiration for moms who work at home - or want to! For lots of free ideas to help you find a work at home job or start a home based business, visit us at http://www.income-building-blocks.com and sign up for Work at Home Income!

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