10 Tips For Getting More Traffic From Your Articles

Written by Michael Southon

Continued from page 1

4. Create a 'New Articles' list for people who want to receive your latest articles. Put a sign-up form on your website and invite your visitors to join. When you submit articles torepparttar article announcement lists, includerepparttar 120939 email address for joining your 'New Articles' list.

5. Don't put a date in your article copyright - articles you wrote 2 years ago may still be relevant but ifrepparttar 120940 copyright says 2001, publishers will assumerepparttar 120941 information is out-of-date.

6. Create a zip file containing all your previous articles as text files - includerepparttar 120942 download link on your website, in your sig file, in your autoresponders, and in your Ezine 'Welcome Message'.

7. Check your articles with SpamAssassin by sending your article to this address with 'TEST' inrepparttar 120943 subject field: mailto:spamcheck-flash1@sitesell.net Then include a note that says "this article was checked by SpamAssassin and is spam-safe".

8. Write your Resource Box inrepparttar 120944 third person and not inrepparttar 120945 form an ad - Ezine Publishers may like your article but object to your Resource Box.

9. When you submit your articles torepparttar 120946 article lists, include URLs for your article and your photo: http://www.ezine-writer.com/article62.html http://www.ezine-writer.com/photo-ms.jpg

10. Likewise, include your article's autoresponder address: article62@ezine-writer.com

Well, that's it - allrepparttar 120947 info you need to get more traffic from your articles!

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to build a successful online business. Free Mini Course: ept-subscribe@aweber.com Website: http://www.ezine-writer.com/

Nine Inexpensive Ways to Advertise Your Web Site

Written by Stephanie Foster

Continued from page 1

5. Place a decal or bumper sticker on your car. Advertise your site when you’re out running errands. This is effortless once you haverepparttar sign up. You can order them at http://www.webdecals.com/ or http://www.stickerz.com/.

6. Send out press releases. This takes a bit of time and effort, but media coverage will greatly increaserepparttar 120938 popularity of your site. Try http://www.press-release-writing.com/ if you want to do it on your own, or hire a writer. Remember, you are announcing an event, not advertising your business. Sales will be a side benefit.

7. Word of mouth. Ask your customers to refer you. Give them extra business cards to give to their friends. This makes it extra important to keep your customers happy, since it can work against you.

8. Flyers. Ask around at local businesses if you can leave flyers or brochures at their stores. Some will have a place for you to leave them. Check your local libraries and post offices for community bulletin boards as well.

9. Get listed on search engines. There are companies that will let you do this for free and there are companies that will charge you for this. Whichever you choose, make sure that you are hand submitted torepparttar 120939 major search engines such as Google. It will greatly increase your odds of getting a good listing. If you want to do it yourself, try http://selfpromotion.com/.

Stephanie Foster is the owner of Aspects of Design, where she offers website design, marketing and writing services at affordable prices. She also publishes the Aspects of Design Newsletter for small businesses or people just thinking about starting a business. For more information, visit http://www.aspectsofdesign.com/.

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