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Yes, reading, studying and learning about business is good but don't over do it and if it's good enough for fortune 500 you think your smarter? Come on give us a break. Having enjoyed benefits for so long and trying everything underneath sun I'm going to make it even easier for you (remember high road) .
Here goes, to build your home based network marketing business you need to understand it's a business not a hobby and nothing is free. So understand up front you're going to need to spend money – period. If things are free – that's what you'll get – free stuff that won't work!
Find a subject you really like, or product concept ( I personally have always marketed nutrition) join a company that sells what you like or believe in and go build a network using " A SYSTEM" that can work using internet. Selling, prospecting and training can all be gotten in a nice little package. You plug in your nickels like a slot machine in Las Vegas (except you'll get better odds) and off you go. That system works day and night for you – How can you lose ? COM' on. But instead we run back and forth to work everyday letting corporate world system gradually beat us to a frazzle??? How much can you take? No time for a life, family let along personal time to reach your own potential in life. Seems to me a home based network marketing business offers a heck of a lot more.
Rolf has been at it for almost 19 years and has had over 100,000 people in his network. Still active today and still having fun – a system and more details at –