10 Things Your Website Must Do

Written by Frank Cowell, CeM

Continued from page 1

  • Consultations, Evaluations - Services companies can easily offer free consultations to qualified prospects. The consultations can take place via phone, email or in-person. Either way, you engage your prospects and start a dialogue with them!

  • Sell with emotion and justify with logic.

    You may be thinking that this one doesn't apply to you because your company does not sell products online, however, all companies have a 'sell' to make. Whether you are a consultant, lawyer, doctor, landscaper or any other type of service-oriented business, you must sell potential customers on why they should consider doing business with you. So how does one sell with 'emotion' and justify with 'logic'? Let's first explain why this is important.

    When people decide to spend money, they do so based on how they thinkrepparttar product or service will make them feel. For example, someone who buys a Volvo automobile likesrepparttar 118413 feeling of safety and security. Safety and security arerepparttar 118414 emotions. You must know which emotions your product or service cater to. When you know which emotions you must cater to, you can then use words and phrases that will resonate with your customer.

    So ifrepparttar 118415 emotions are why people buy, then what is this other business about 'justifying with logic'? After a person hasrepparttar 118416 right 'feelings' about a purchase, a conversation starts to take place in their head. In this conversation, they convince themselves that they are making a good decision. Your job, after catering torepparttar 118417 right emotions, is to provide enough information so they will 'win'repparttar 118418 argument. Give benefit-related details about your product or service. Get specific with numbers, ratings, percentages, etc. The Volvo buyer buys because of safety and security but convinces themselves with data aboutrepparttar 118419 specific safety rating, how many people have survived head-on collisions,repparttar 118420 number of airbags, etc.

    Add a guarantee about your product/service and you will have allrepparttar 118421 right ingredients to sell withrepparttar 118422 pros!

  • Use imagery of smiling, happy and successful people.

    It's cliché and maybe a bit corny, but it's absolutely true. People want to be associated with happy, successful people. Images of business people looking very serious at a meeting table may look professional, but they do not inspire. If you sell products online, show happy people around your product. If you are a consultant, show your customers in front of their businesses or homes, smiling. If you are a landscaper, show your customers and their children enjoying their beautiful yards and gardens.

    Some may think that this technique is for smaller businesses and that larger businesses shouldn't use this kind of artwork. Nonsense! Don't ever feel that by showing happy, smiling people somehow diminishesrepparttar 118423 appearance of company size.

  • Prominently post a phone number and contact information.

    Post your contact information prominently on your site. If you can't incorporaterepparttar 118424 contact information into your site's 'look and feel template', make surerepparttar 118425 link torepparttar 118426 page that contains this information is prominently displayed. There are too many websites onrepparttar 118427 Internet that seem very anonymous because you don't know where they are or how to get in touch with them. This small bit of information will give potential customers a sense of security, knowing that they can easily get in touch with your company if they need to.

  • Incorporate a professional, crisp and clean design.

    This is a touchy subject. Some people love animated images, Flash, 'roll-over' menus and anything else that they think is 'cutting edge'. Web features such as these have their place, but should be used sparingly. Nobody will ever do business with you because you use these features and your competition doesn't. Nobody. Remember thatrepparttar 118428 web is most likerepparttar 118429 experience of reading a magazine and not like watching TV. Keep your website design simple and clean and use these web features sparingly!

  • Promote and address privacy.

    If you collect information from people forrepparttar 118430 purpose of selling goods, sending out newsletters, etc., you will want to ease their minds by letting them know that you value their personal information. Post a page on your website called, 'Privacy Policy'. On this page inform visitors that their information will not be shared or sold (if that isrepparttar 118431 case) and that their information is safe. Look at other sites onrepparttar 118432 Internet that have privacy policies and use those as a guideline for yours. According torepparttar 118433 Customer Respect Group, a large and well-known organization that monitors and reports-on how online businesses treat customers' personal information, a privacy policy is a must-have!

  • Follow-up with respondents immediately.

    Nothing is more disappointing than completing a 'Contact Us' or 'Request More Information' form and not getting a call back in a timely manner. Worse yet, a large number of business, for whatever reason, completely ignorerepparttar 118434 communication altogether! This negligence can completely undermine your credibility and a customer's confidence inrepparttar 118435 web, in general. Make it a policy to religiously follow-up with visitors who contact you within 48 hours. A reply within 24 hours is recommended and even better. You should also consider employing technology to give an immediate automated response to people who complete these online forms. An automated reply coupled with a 24 hour personal reply will provide a sense of reliability about your company.

  • Frank Cowell is a Certified eMarketer (as certified by the International eMarketing Association) and President of Cowell eMarketing. Cowell eMarketing provides website and eCommerce solutions, eMail Marketing services and Search Engine Marketing services.

    The Google Browser - Fact or Fiction?

    Written by Pete Crewdson

    Continued from page 1

    An entry in Ben Goodger's Mozilla journal reads as follows:

    "As of January 10, 2005, my source of income changed from The Mozilla Foundation to Google, Inc. of Mountain View, California. My role with Firefox andrepparttar Mozilla project will remain largely unchanged, I will continue doing muchrepparttar 118412 same work as I have described above - withrepparttar 118413 new goal of successful 1.1, 1.5 and 2.0 releases. I remain devoted full-time torepparttar 118414 advancement of Firefox,repparttar 118415 Mozilla platform and web browsing in general. I'm sure you have many questions. While I will be spending more time at Google, I will work out ofrepparttar 118416 Mozilla Foundation offices regularly asrepparttar 118417 need arises. For all questions regarding Google, I ask that you contact Google directly, rather than myself."

    Interesting to note is that he announces that he will not be changing roles - but why would Google let him continue production onrepparttar 118418 Firefox browser, whilst under their empolyment? Speculation would insist upon Google's purchace ofrepparttar 118419 Mozilla Foundation.

    Of course, Google are no strangers to buying companies to help withrepparttar 118420 production of features that aid inrepparttar 118421 development of their services - last year they bought out Keyhole - A digital mapping company, Picasa - A company who developed an OS based photo orginisation program, and going further back, Blogger - Now one ofrepparttar 118422 biggest websites onrepparttar 118423 internet.

    Isrepparttar 118424 Google browser really inrepparttar 118425 works, or is speculation all it is? Only time will tell.

    Pete is the owner of the Forfeit The Game Network, Forfeit The Game: A Linkin Park Fansite, and runs the Forfeit The Game Media Weblog - For all the latest Music, TV, Film, Computer and Internet and Sports articles.

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