10 Simple Ways To Expand Your Subscriber List

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

7. Instead, or in addition to, callingrepparttar gatekeepers you have identified onrepparttar 134254 membership lists, you can send them a letter of introduction -- a direct mail piece. The piece can ask them (a call to action) to visit your web site for more information on your newsletter and/or receive a copy ofrepparttar 134255 free but-not-free ebook.

8. Sharerepparttar 134256 wealth. Exchange recommendations to each other's newsletter. Be prepared for these so that it doesn't cost you valuable time when you are working on a deadline. If you work with a virtual assistant, let them respond to these opportunities. Prepare three or four examples and offerrepparttar 134257 exchanger their choice to use one that they feel is appropriate for their audience. Ask them for a reciprocal and equal announcement.

9. Make comments and include your byline atrepparttar 134258 end. Comments can be product review on Amazon, ezines you enjoy, or local newspapers. Give suggestions, share your stories on how it helped you, ask questions, or give ideas that emerged from your reading. Blogs are also good places to comment on as well.

10. It takes 7 times before people start to trust. Present them 7 opportunities to have two-way conversations with you. Not one-way conversations (you write, they read). Providerepparttar 134259 two-way with surveys, questions, contests, games, things that they need to ask for are just a few. If you are offering a contest, send them a testimonial fromrepparttar 134260 winner. If you can, create an opportunity for many winners. It spreadsrepparttar 134261 hope.

Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved.

Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

Creating and Perfecting Your Online Newsletter

Written by Matt Russ

Continued from page 1
•Use pictures. Graphics add a lot of appeal and make your newsletter look more professional. •Make it personal. Coaching is a personal business so I userepparttar opening paragraph to talk torepparttar 134253 reader as I would a friend or athlete. I send out two monthly newsletters; one for my athletes and one forrepparttar 134254 general public. In my athlete newsletter I recognize their accomplishments, welcome them, encourage them, and make them feel part of a community. My newsletter to public is more informational. •Send it to potential advertisers. If they like it they might just by some space. I put one banner add per month atrepparttar 134255 bottom ofrepparttar 134256 newsletter. My data base is a very specific market that is interested in fitness, coaching, and training. Make sure your advertisers know who your target market is. •Promote Yourself. I try to write an article each month and feature it. This way I am not just promotingrepparttar 134257 other coaches that contribute. •Make sure your newsletter links only to your site. Sending readers to linked articles on other sites will draw business away from you. •Get feedback. When I bring up my newsletter people usually politely compliment me on what I am doing right; what I would like to know is what I am doing wrong. Get as much feedback as you can, especially from professional sources, on what you should change.

Matt Russ has coached and trained athletes around the country and internationally. He currently holds licenses by USAT, USATF, and is an Expert level USAC coach. Matt coaches athletes for CTS, is an Ultrafit Associate, and owner of www.thesportfactory.com his email is sportfacotry@mindspring.com

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