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3.Make sure that title and description are located within HEAD.
4.Do not use dynamic pages if you can. The project architecture may dictate usage of PHP, ASP etc. However search engines are reluctant to index them.
5.JScript is fun to use but it makes it harder for search engines to understand
content of
page. If you need just a menu highlight try to use style instead of script.
6.Pages with Flash are difficult to optimise for search engines. How about web sites that are built on Flash? They impress visitors. However how do visitors find such websites?
7.Utilise style sheets. Most of modern pages use style sheets. Very few utilise them effectively. That is why web pages are overloaded with HTML attributes. That makes them heavier and slower in load.
8.Search engine look for text - not images. If possible use text rather than image.
9.Text of
page should be at least 250 words. Search engines do not score pages with just a few sentences.
10.Text of
page shouldn't be very lengthy. To make search engines happy stick with
page size of 15KB - including images.