10 Networking Myths For Newbies-To-Networking

Written by Maria Marsala

Continued from page 1

Myth #4: Only home business owners or solo business owners join networking groups. Truth: Home business owners join groups quicker because they're looking for community outside their homes. However, many bricks 'n' mortar businesses join networking groups and do extremely well, too.

Myth #5: Only business owners join networking groups. Truth: Professionals, usually executives and agents who work for existing companies, join to promote their companies' services and/or products, too.

Myth #6: Multi-Level Marketing folks are not welcome at networking groups. Truth: If you are an MLM-er and attend meetings to sell your products, you'll get a warmer reception then if your focus is about building your down line. Allow your product sales to increase your down line.

Myth #7: Dues are so very high. Truth: Membership dues vary from group to group - some groups have no dues and others charge dues of $500 per year. Find a group that fits your needs or start your own!

Myth #8: You must refer to those you meet at your meetings Truth: No one wants to refer people they don't know well, so your goal at these meetings is to get to know other members until you're comfortable referring them. Sometimes, you may have another associate/friend outsiderepparttar group that you refer instead of, or in addition to, one of your networking partners.

Now, while you're usually not "required" to refer a particular person, remember that referring business to other members is part ofrepparttar 102853 business networking process. (In a few groups, not referring others is a big "no-no" and you will be asked to leave; ask aboutrepparttar 102854 rules before you join.)

Myth #9: You must attend all meetings. Truth: The commitment of your time and talents to a group is very important, since you’ll be part of a team of business owners. In some groups, you - or a representative - must attend all meetings. Most groups have a 75% mandatory attendance of its members. A rare few groups have no attendance rules.

Myth #10: I have to join right away. Truth: Each group has its own "flavor." Many groups allow you to attend two meetings as a guest before you have to decide to join or not. Pretty fair rule!

The bottom line is this: People like to do business with people they know and trust. Relationships -- business and personal -- take time to develop. Remember that networking isn't about instant gratification - it's about long-term partnerships. The opportunities are numerous – business networking groups are varied enough so that any woman can find at least one group that feels like "home." Or two… or three…

So go grab a cup of coffee and visitrepparttar 102855 list of online and offline networking groups I've compiled overrepparttar 102856 years. It's time to get out and become a Networking Queen! If I can do it, you can, too! http://www.coachmaria.com/business/networking.html

© 2005 Elevating Your Business. Since 1998, Maria Marsala, a former Wall Street Trader, has worked with more than 1000 women (and men) who own service business to increase their profits, save time, and live rich, fulfilling lives. Visit www.ElevatingYourBusiness.com to request your 2 business reports and join our business building newsletter or forum.

Revenue or Employee Size for Small Manufacturing Enterprise Definition Obsolete: Number of Parts for product Assembly more Accurate

Written by Rocky Smolin

Continued from page 1

Somewhere between Excel and ERP isrepparttar core process for most manufacturers. By offeringrepparttar 102852 two versions of E-Z-MRP, no small manufacturer will be required to purchase more software than actually needed, while still havingrepparttar 102853 ability to grow intorepparttar 102854 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

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