10 More Ways to Increase Your Traffic and Sales

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1

7. Increase your e-zine subscribers by giving away an eBook or two to people who subscribe to your e-zine. This will give people an incentive to subscribe. Allow your e-zine subscribers to also give it away to multiply your subscribers.

8. Give away an eBook to people who join your affiliate program. This will increaserepparttar number of people who sign-up. You could also create an eBook for them to use that will help them promote your product or service.

9. Give away an eBook in exchange for people leaving their contact information. This will help you follow-up withrepparttar 103444 prospects who buy your main products or services.

10. Offer a free eBook that contains a couple of sample chapters. If they like it, give themrepparttar 103445 option of orderingrepparttar 103446 full version. It would work just like a software demo or shareware.

So take action! Choose one or more ofrepparttar 103447 tips above now, saverepparttar 103448 rest forrepparttar 103449 months ahead. To help with your eBook writing, ghostwriting or operations, take a virtual tour today of http://movingaheadcommunications.com and help yourself to a 30-Day Trial of autoresponders, online forms, shopping cart set up, merchant account, digital secure delivery and much more at http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot . Enjoy!


For our last 10 tips, click here: http://movingaheadcommunications.com/increasetraffic.html

By Diana Barnum, president of http://movingaheadcommunications.com and CEO of http://ohiohelp.net . For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email mailto:diana@ohiohelp.net or call: (614) 529-9459.

Working an online Business form home

Written by Deva Naumann

Continued from page 1

FFA sites you wont be able to give much of a description about what you have to offer. But if you subscribe to a pay site you can write ads up to 150 words (or more).

You can help build a list by creating an ezine (newsletter) telling people about what your website has to offer or about your product.

An ezine is like an ad in a magazine only this ad is onrepparttar internet instead of in a magazine.

Subscribe to and read ezines (newsletters) or other publications relating to your website or product for ideas for writing your own articles saverepparttar 103443 articles that catch your attention for future reference when writing your own articles.

I hope this article has been helpful for you.

Thank You for reading my article Deva

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business Tips newsletter with hundreds of money making tips and tricks.

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I started working online from home when I was laid off from my job back in July 2004.

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