10 Easy Ways to Feel Happier, Be Healthier and Live Longer

Written by Julie Hunt

Continued from page 1

6.Make it Big! Describe something gigantic. On your morning commute to work (of course while navigating your vehicle withrepparttar utmost in attentive care and caution), describe something humongous. Maybe it’srepparttar 122797 biggest cell phone, coffee maker or Fourth of July sparkler ever to be seen atrepparttar 122798 World’s Fair.

7.Demand Door to Door Comedic Entertainment. Rent your favorite classic comedy flicks or a few ofrepparttar 122799 new ones you’ve been meaning to get around to. What some may considerrepparttar 122800 demise of America, I argue could berepparttar 122801 comedic cure. Blockbuster now offers unlimited door to door delivery service with your favorite DVDs without any pesky late fees or due dates. No kidding! You’re in for some serious first rate livin’ when you think aboutrepparttar 122802 movies, laughs and life entertainment that will be waiting for you on your doorstep.

8.Fake a Roll or Take a Part. Play Scarlet O’Hara or just ham it up forrepparttar 122803 day and walk through life with a particular point of view, strong opinion, clever persona, funny accent or problem that you must solve. Juice it up and have a dinner party where everyone has to maintain a character forrepparttar 122804 night. I’ve got a New York City cowgirl (don’t call me an urban buckle bunny) persona in my hip pocket just waiting to come out. “This girl just ain’t sure how she’s gonna lasso herself up a ride on one of them quick four wheeled, yellow stallions.”

9.Let Off Some Silly Steam. Before things get too heated up think of something quirky, cool, comical or witty. Have a few funny incidents lined up in your head that you can flash to before you disagree, bicker or complain. Evenrepparttar 122805 slightest smile will ease ill feelings and spread goodwill throughoutrepparttar 122806 land. The absolute worst situations still have a silver lining… you are getting some really great comedic material for later. Focus onrepparttar 122807 amusing or just plain weird moments that you’ll want to recap with your friends and laugh about later.

10.Hunt Downrepparttar 122808 Funnies. Look for humor everywhere you go. Stalk it, pursue it and chase it down ‘til you fall over with laughter. Think about what makes you laugh,repparttar 122809 ironies of life that amuse you,repparttar 122810 comedians you adore,repparttar 122811 books that make you laugh aloud and which funny shows you refuse to miss. Read, watch or do all ofrepparttar 122812 above as often as you can.

With adults laughing on average 15 times a day and children laughing about 450… we’ve got some serious work to do. Try a tip, grab a giggle and go. Track your laughsrepparttar 122813 fun and funky way. The free ‘Laughin’ Log’ is yours at www.shesite.com. Who knew atrepparttar 122814 end ofrepparttar 122815 day you could add up 100 laughs (the equivalent to 15 minutes on an exercise bike) and fit in to your skinny jeans?!!

Exercise your sense of humor so you can trim your body, increase your joy and be a magnetic force that attracts others to you. Let your fun, gregarious side shine and give gushing benefits of laughter to everyone around you.

CAUTION: Laughs have been known to be contagious. So watch out, you might even infectrepparttar 122816 grumpy, irritable and cantankerous folks in your life who always seem to have something to complain about.


Julie Hunt is a female icon and founder of SHE (www.shesite.com), the foremost inspiration and personal development resource for women who want to live brilliant, happy, successful lives. Marketing consultant, sales expert, copywriting guru, improvisational actress, yoga instructor, author and just plain cool chick… she’s an inspiration to oodles of women who land on her free teleclass series ‘The Essentials.’

Are you lacking Self-Discipline? - Part 1

Written by Carl Cholette

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar process of self-discipline there are three stages namely;




A man begins to discipline himself by controlling those passions which have hitherto controlled him; he resists temptation and guards himself against all those tendencies to selfish gratifications which are so easy and natural, and which have formerly dominated him. He brings his appetite into subjection, and begins to eat as a reasonable and responsible being, practising moderation and thoughtfulness inrepparttar 122796 selection of his food, withrepparttar 122797 object of making his body a pure instrument through which he may live and act as becomes a man, and no longer degarding that body by pandering to gustatory pleasure. He puts a check upon his tongue, his temper, and, in fact, his every animal desire and tendency, and this he does by referring all his acts to a fixed centre within himself. It is a process of living from within outward, instead of, as formerly, from without inward. He conceives of an ideal, and, enshrining that ideal inrepparttar 122798 sacred recesses of his heart, he regulates his conduct in accordance with its exaction and demands.

There is a philosophical hypothesis that atrepparttar 122799 heart of every atom and every aggregation of atoms inrepparttar 122800 universe there is a motionless center which isrepparttar 122801 sustaining source of allrepparttar 122802 universal activities. Be this as it may, there is certainly inrepparttar 122803 heart of every man and woman a selfless centre without whichrepparttar 122804 outer man could not be, andrepparttar 122805 ignoring of which leads to suffering and confusion. This selfless center which takesrepparttar 122806 form, inrepparttar 122807 mind, of an ideal of unselfishness and spotless purity,repparttar 122808 attainment of which is desirable, is man's eternal refuge fromrepparttar 122809 storms of passion and allrepparttar 122810 conflicting elements of his lower nature. It isrepparttar 122811 Rock of Ages,repparttar 122812 Christ within, repparttar 122813 divine and immortal in all men.

End of part 1. Part 2 coming soon...

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Carl Cholette is a young entrepreneur who specialized in finding, creating and publishing old but very informative books, courses and programs on various subjects like yoga, health and motivation. He believes that these old manuscripts are pure gold and filled with very useful informations which most people would benefit if they knew about it. You can visit his website at http://www.yoga.myinfobiz.net

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