10 Easy-to-Learn Tips On Handling Interruptions

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

If they persist, give them an ultimatum: "You rudely interrupt me. I've tolerated this them inrepparttar past; however, I need for it to stop now." Eventually when they finally realize you're not paying their game, they will stop, and even pretend to be offended. Later they will return with respect. Hopefully, with a new awareness of their behavior. But don't hope. If they don't return, you haven't lost anything.

Tip 5: If you can, keep doing what you are doing. Look up, smile, point to a notepad and pen, and then return to what you were doing.

Tip 6: Sometimesrepparttar 130046 position of your furniture invites interruptions. Especially if your office is beautifully designed, or contains natural ingredients, like plants. Others want to be around this energy. It’s attractive. It’s renewing to them as much as it is to you. There’s only one suggestion -- get them to change their office to reflectrepparttar 130047 same. Then they will not want to leave their office.

Tip 7: If you frequently are trapped behind your desk. Plan and explore various escape routes and methods. You might want to rearrangerepparttar 130048 furniture to that allows escape routes.

Tip 8: Discourage squatters. If your interruptions are due to people consistently coming in and just sitting and talking, removerepparttar 130049 empty chairs. Place them outside your office.

Tip 9: Do people wait for you to get off a phone call? Place a sign onrepparttar 130050 desk: "If I'm on a phone call, please leave me a note. I'll check back with you as soon as I'm offrepparttar 130051 phone."

An alternative: Train others in a silent hand code. Use your fingers to indicate how long you are going to be. One index finger explains that you will be offrepparttar 130052 phone in a minute or two, please stay. Full hand with a wave says, "I don't know how long and I'll get back to you." This silent code maintains your thought rhythm, acknowledges them, and allows them to make a choice based on their time.

Tip 10: Many ways for handling, interruptions at work can also apply at home. Here’s one that works well.

Name a "personal spot". An area you can call your own. It can be a den, sewing room, shed, or an extra bedroom. If you have children, give themrepparttar 130053 same opportunity.

Purchase a clock sign atrepparttar 130054 office supply store --repparttar 130055 type retailer’s use on their front doors--to indicate what time you will emerge. Add a white board for notes. A magnetic board works well for smaller children. Create magnets for each family member: "Bobby wants you."

The Other Side Of The Coin

The other side of this perspective is using interruptions to boost productivity. People sometimes use interruptions to push them into overdrive. It helps them, yet disrupts others. It is a habit that gets them to move past their own procrastination and get their tasks completed. This behavior causes stress-related illness. This can be an addictive behavior sometimes disguised "workaholicism."

Catherine Franz, is a certified life and business coach specializing in marketing and writing, Internet and infoproduct development. For other articles, and ezines: http://www.AbundanceCenter.com.

Your Power To Choose

Written by Dr Kem Thompson

Continued from page 1

This power to chooserepparttar direction of your life is one of your most important qualities. Have you been using it wisely?

You haverepparttar 130045 power to choose how you feel. Isn't that amazing? I think it is. If someone treats you in a way that should get you all upset, you can choose to feel upset or (which is more powerful) you can choose to rise above their level and be happy regardless. Be happy about what, you ask. Be happy that it's up to you to control your emotions. Be happy that you are using this power correctly. Be happy because it's a better state of mind to exist in.

You haverepparttar 130046 power to choose your thoughts. This has got to berepparttar 130047 most important quality you have right now. Why? Because 'it all starts with a thought'. That's right. Your feelings start out as thoughts (spend enough time thinking aboutrepparttar 130048 most irritating person you know, and guess how you'll feel. The opposite is true too.). Your actions start out as thoughts. Consequentlyrepparttar 130049 results in your life today started out as thoughts. Likewise, you are determining your future results right now byrepparttar 130050 thoughts you are thinking. And you haverepparttar 130051 power to choose those very thoughts! Talk about having creative ability.

Your words start out as thoughts (at least I hope they do:)). Your actions start out as thoughts too. Yes it's true: you ARE what you think.

Right now you haverepparttar 130052 power to choose thoughts that empower you to berepparttar 130053 person you want to be. Absolutely nothing stops you from doing so, except yourself.

One of my clients had major problems withrepparttar 130054 thoughts she allowed to stay in her mind. They were mostly self-depreciating thoughts. No wonder then that she felt worthless and insecure. She had all these dreams and desires but wasn't doing anything about them because she felt she'd fail anyway.

As part ofrepparttar 130055 process of change, I had her do a series of exercises which involved 'thought conditioning' or changing her thoughts about herself to positive, empowering ones. Byrepparttar 130056 time we finished working together, not only had she become much more confident and positive, she'd achieved one of her major goals that she'd dreamt of - she now works abroad in a job she loves. It all started when she 'changed her mind', so to speak.

You can choose how to spend your time. You have goals and dreams, right? Well each moment, you're either doing something that's taking you towards your dreams or taking you away from them. When you think of time that way, I think you'll spend it more wisely.

You can choose what you eat. Just like time, each time you put something in your mouth, you're either nourishing your body and getting healthier or you're not.

Once you realize this truth, your life will take on a renewed energy. You will know that you alone are in control of your future. Hopefully you'll take things into your own hands instead of letting external circumstance dictate your life.

It's your choice.

*** About the author: Dr Kem Thompson is a Success Coach, Speaker and Author of 'The Days of Success Collection: Articles To Help You Create Success Every Day'. Find out more here: www.daysofsuccess.com/successbk.htm. Subscribe to her FREE newsletter, 'The Days of Success', and receive a thank-you gift by filling the form here: www.daysofsuccess.com

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