10 Clever Ways To Boost Your Orders!

Written by Larry Dotson

Continued from page 1

6. Use guest books to improve your web site. Your visitors will leave good and bad comments. Reviewrepparttar comments and use them to improve your site.

7. Regularly check and resubmit your web site's search engine rankings. They can drop very quickly because of allrepparttar 121801 competition.

8. Increaserepparttar 121802 number of visitors that revisit your web site by publishing a free course right on your site. Just release a new lesson once a week.

9. Make sure your graphics load correctly on your web site. Broken graphics will make your business look very unprofessional.

10. Updaterepparttar 121803 content on your web site regularly. You'll want to add new content and updaterepparttar 121804 old content.

Larry Dotson 1000 Ways To Sell Your E-Information Products just visit: http://www.ldpublishing.com As a bonus, Bob Osgoodby publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter - visit his web site to subscribe and place a FREE Ad! http://1-webwiz.com

What Is Your Marketing Telling You?

Written by Kevin Nunley

Continued from page 1

Your industry may have other hot button offers that always get response. The only way to know is to test different ads. Also pay attention to what works for your competitors. If they have usedrepparttar same offer for years, it probably works like gangbusters.

Problem 4. You super charge your ad with a great offer, but still get only a trickle of response. Great ads don't always workrepparttar 121800 first time they appear. In fact,repparttar 121801 first ad rarely gets an avalanche of results. Once you develop an ad that seems to be hitting home with customers, repeat it over and over.

Duringrepparttar 121802 many years I worked in media, we figured it took a minimum of two weeks of heavy promotion to get an idea across to our audience. It often took six weeks to really dorepparttar 121803 job right. Promoting for only a week virtually insured we wouldn't get much response (and that was with an exciting ad running EVERY hour ofrepparttar 121804 day).

So what if your ad budget is just a small monthly amount? Find a good ad, then repeat it week after week and month after month. Watch closely to see if sales gradually mount. The business world is full of examples where a small business put a tiny display ad inrepparttar 121805 Sunday paper month after month. After a year or two, almost all their new business comes fromrepparttar 121806 ad.

Problem 5. Your ad pulls lots of interest, but nobody buys. We see this a lot with advertising onrepparttar 121807 Internet. A site will run a great ad in an email newsletter and get plenty of clicks, but nobody buys. In this case,repparttar 121808 problem isn't with repparttar 121809 ad, but withrepparttar 121810 web site. Frequentlyrepparttar 121811 web copy fails to do its job. The ad getsrepparttar 121812 customers throughrepparttar 121813 door, butrepparttar 121814 copy is too flat, too short, or doesn't encourage customer confidence.

The same kind of thing happens in retail stores. We did a wildly successful promotion for an auto dealer. Hundreds of people came intorepparttar 121815 dealership each hour ofrepparttar 121816 promotion. The store's sales people were completely unrepaired for that kind of response. They stood around grinning with their hands in their pockets. Not once did a sales person offer to helprepparttar 121817 hordes streaming throughrepparttar 121818 door. Atrepparttar 121819 end ofrepparttar 121820 day, not a single car had been sold.

Solve this problem by making sure your sales or support staff know allrepparttar 121821 details of your advertised offer. When a prospect sees your ad and calls, anyone who answersrepparttar 121822 phone should immediately know whatrepparttar 121823 customer is asking about.

Most ads fall short because of one of these five problems. All have definent symptoms and easy solutions. Listen to what your marketing is telling you. Then fixrepparttar 121824 problems and encourage your successes. You will quickly takerepparttar 121825 mystery out of marketing and make it a reliable partner.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice and copywriting. Read all his free tips and see his popular promotion packages at http://DrNunley.com Reach Kevin at kevin@drnunley.com or 801-328-9006.

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