Written by Chris P. Bohn

Continued from page 1

5. Thou shalt not use Java applets, because many people browse with Java switched off.

Basically, people are so fed up of waiting for slow loading, jerky applets that usually contribute little to our enjoyment of either life or your website. And as for that java applet of a shimmering lake, if I never see that again...

6. Thou shalt use tables only as a last resort.

Tables are meant to hold 'tabular data', not entire webpages.

7. Thou shalt design thy website using divs and CSS wherever possible. But remember to ensure that your pages can be used without CSS as some people browse with style sheets switched off.

Basically, you should try to design your website in such a way thatrepparttar end user can resize your text and, if desired, they can use their own style sheet instead of yours. Yes folks,repparttar 137185 whole idea of spending hours and weeks of your precious time designing a beautiful website, is so that people can decide they want it to look like something completely different.

8. Thou shalt not use WAV, midi or other sound files because many people browse with sound switched off.

Using sound files often means people need to use a plug-in. If this applies to your web page, remember to provide a link to somewhere thatrepparttar 137186 plug-in can be downloaded. If you use a small image asrepparttar 137187 link torepparttar 137188 plug-in website, remember to use an 'alt' tag inrepparttar 137189 image because many people browse with images switched off.

9. Thou shalt not use Flash.

Admit it, you're just showing off aren't you

10. Thou shalt throw up thy hands in despair and rent thy style sheet asunder.

There are too many rules. It's just not worth it. How many allowances do you have to make forrepparttar 137190 way people userepparttar 137191 Internet anyway? Why not just print out copies of your web page and post them out on request instead? For all I know, many people probably browse without a computer or withrepparttar 137192 electricity switched off or something and we don't want them to miss out as well do we?

Byrepparttar 137193 way, if you do decide to distribute printed copies of your web pages, don't forget to produce a Braille version and a foreign language edition as well.

Note: this article is intended for entertainment purposes only. No offence is intended to anyone involved inrepparttar 137194 field of Web accessibility. This article will be made available in a special Morse code edition early next year.

Blogger extraordinaire and co-owner of http://poostreaks.com

Starting with Search Engines

Written by Stephen Cope

Continued from page 1
search engines.

After reading some ofrepparttar Search engine articles which talk about offsite and onsite optimisation, keyword stuffing doorway pages, white hat and black hat. You either give up completely or just hand overrepparttar 137007 money torepparttar 137008 experts.

Getting your Site Ready forrepparttar 137009 Search Engines

Getting your site ready forrepparttar 137010 search engines is actually a very simply two step process:

  • First you have to giverepparttar 137011 search engines what they want -Good content.
  • Second they give them even more of what they want- Even More Good content.

They will, with time, give you what you want you want- Traffic.

Now in order to do that you don't need to be a search engine expert!
Does all this sound a little too simple? Well, its because it actually is! Am I saying that SEO is not important? Well no- I'm going to talk a little more about that later.

What I am saying is that it isn't rocket science and doesn't need years of practise and study to rank well at any search engine providing you follow a few basic steps.

The first step is your website content. So lets find out how your website content affects search engine rankings and how to choose content to rank well atrepparttar 137012 search engines.


Stephen Cope is a freelance trainer and the Webmaster at - making a website and The Niche Website Guide.

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