101 Affiliate Research Results: Affiliate Program that pays!

Written by Emmanuel.N. Uduezue.

Continued from page 1

BELOW ARE THE POINTS YOU SHOULD CONSIDER BEFORE JOINING ANY AFFILIATE PROGRAM. (i) Products and Services ofrepparttar Web marketer, whether it is a one-product or multiple products web business, they must be market moving products (i.e fast selling) information or "how to" products. (ii) Isrepparttar 102133 website an interesting site that customers can really get in and dont want to go anymore they just keep readingrepparttar 102134 sales letter and eventually buy to know ifrepparttar 102135 owner has put up a cachy salesletter, read it for your self does it entice you to buy or make you feel bored reading such letter tip. If it is a good and catchy salesletter, you can even catch some points inrepparttar 102136 letter and form a good advert forrepparttar 102137 program. (iii) Didrepparttar 102138 site owner create a way of following up visitors by inviting visitors to signup for his ezine or newsletter on his site, because that is an excellent way to ensure your visitors buy from you and that's commission for you as his affiliate. for referring customers to his website. (iv) Does (web marketer) after a two-tier affiliate program where people can sign with their affiliate program under you, thereby building a down line for your self and it is another way you can earn commission when members of your down line makes sales, you are paid a percentage commission (eg 6%) (v) How isrepparttar 102139 sign up process, do you spend up one hour signing up or a few minutes people tend to ignore joining his (webmarketer) affiliate program ifrepparttar 102140 sign up process is difficult to complete, you should be able to tell this fact since you signed up with his affiliate program. You can get more of these facts on what makes a good affiliate program, if you sign up for newsletter. I advice you signup for my newsletter because there are still more to know on what makes a good Affiliate program if you know these things you still enjoy be earning fat residual income on monthly basis. So be empowered. Learnrepparttar 102141 basics and stick to it. It's worth knowing. To your success

Emmanuel .N. Uduezue teaches what make good affiliate program and marketing offers free resources on starting and succeeding in an online business in his articles and newsletters, to subscribe to his article publication(E-BIZ INFORMANT),send an email to:emmanuel_nnamdiuduezue@yahoo.com.

The Great Ink Cartridge Conspiracy!

Written by Prontoink

Continued from page 1

3. Consumers have a choice about which inkjet cartridges to buy

It's true! Contrary to popular belief consumers are not obliged to purchase expensive OEM ink cartridges fromrepparttar manufacturer. They can in fact opt to buy cheaper 'compatible' ink cartridges or remanufactured cartridges, often realizing savings on their ink purchase of between 50% and 75%!! All major inkjet cartridge brands are covered, including Apple, Canon, Hewlett Packard, Lexmark, Brother, Epson, IBM and Xerox. What's more they dorepparttar 102132 job just as well as OEM cartridges but at a much lower cost!

4. Compatible inkjet cartridges DO NOT automatically void a printer's warranty

Regardless of what you might have heard compatible inkjet cartridges WILL NOT automatically void your printer warranty. In fact, it is ILLEGAL for manufacturers inrepparttar 102133 United States & Canada to claim that using compatible cartridges will automatically void your printer warranty. For more details on this go to http://www.prontoink.com/?T=Info&ID=printer_warranties

5. You can make money by reselling compatible ink cartridges

The market for compatible ink cartridges is continually expanding. More and more consumers are choosing to switch to compatible inks that offerrepparttar 102134 same print quality at halfrepparttar 102135 cost of OEM cartridges. This createsrepparttar 102136 opportunity for business-minded individuals to make money through affiliate reselling programs as well as save money on their ink cartridge purchases.

Having read this do you feel like you've been hoodwinked byrepparttar 102137 big boys? Well, it's now time to stand up for your rights! You no longer have to linerepparttar 102138 pockets of multi-nationals when buying ink cartridges. Think 'compatible ink' and save yourself hundreds of dollars each year onrepparttar 102139 cost of running your printer.

http://www.prontoink.com is an international supplier of inkjet & laser cartridges based in Midland, Texas. Resellers should visit http://www.prontoink.com/incomeop/

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