1-2-3 Sort

Written by Eve Abbott, the Organizer Extraordinaire

Continued from page 1

First, scanrepparttar table of contents for relevant articles and ask these questions: Is this out of date? (If older than 3 months it has to be a classic to be timely) Is this significant in my current work/life? Do I have time to read it? Or, Do I have more important stuff to read that I can't get to?

Once you triage your incoming newsletters, and magazines to decide which arerepparttar 100290 keepers; cut out and staple only those articles, and discardrepparttar 100291 rest. This will shrink your reading pile from three feet to three inches!

Keeprepparttar 100292 trimmed articles in a file you can take with you to read in bits of in-between time. If you decide to keep for further reference, sort them into your magazine files.

TO FILE: Your first choice is to separate out your personal from your business filing. Then, it's 1 - 2 - 3—SORT in filing as well. 1) File in this year's current filing system 2) File into archive file boxes (financial/legal audit trail) 3) Scan into electronic document storage (put it all on CD!)

Current business filing domains: People: clients, staff, teams, vendors Things: projects, programs, products, property Administration:repparttar 100293 business of doing business.

Current personal filing domains: Personal/Family Household Finances/Insurance

Place only current years records into your office filing system. Archive filing can be boxed and kept out of your office in a secure dry storage place—you just need to maintain it.

Now, you can manage your information more successfully at work and at home. Just do it, 1 - 2 - 3—SORT!

More time-saving tips are available at http://www.organize.com

For over 15 years, Eve Abbott has been writing, speaking and consulting with executives, managers and business owners on boosting their day-to-day effectiveness with organizing tools and techniques to melt the paper blizzard and tackle e-mail overload. Her wisdom has reached the pages of the New York Times, Working Woman and Home Office Computing magazine.

9 Steps to Success in Affiliate Marketing

Written by Curtis S

Continued from page 1

6.Get an Auto Responder. With an auto responder program you can makerepparttar process of buying leads and adding them to your newsletter completely automated. You can save hours of time with this approach.

7.Write your own Articles. To be successful with affiliate marketing you will eventually have to write an article or two. This may sound a bit overwhelming inrepparttar 100289 beginning, but after you have been building your business for awhile you will get into it. Trust me I feltrepparttar 100290 same way when I started. Always include a signature atrepparttar 100291 bottom ofrepparttar 100292 article containing your website link. Then post your article on as many websites as you can. Lots of sites let you post for free.

8.Add an Article page to your website. Post all of your articles on this page and any others you find related to your niche. Having an article page will add content to your website and will help with your page rank since search engines love websites with lots of relevant content.

9.Join an Online Forum. Becoming a member in a forum is a great way to stay current withrepparttar 100293 products in your niche. Talking with fellow entrepreneurs will keep you motivated and help generate new ideas as well as answer any questions you may have.

Please contact me if you would like to learn more about the ideas mentioned above or visit my website. http://www.homeworksolutions.biz curtissexton@gmail.com

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