'Tis More Blessed to (For) Give

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Continued from page 1

Only then can we begin to understand that forgiveness is even more necessary for our survival than theirs, not always because they deserve it but because we do. And, in such case, we can knowrepparttar blessed peace of (for) giving in a depth few have known.

God's way is always in our best interest, Co. 3.

© by Joyce C. Lock http://my.homewithgod.com/blessingsandlessons/ This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.

In addition to being a published author and poet, Joyce C. Lock created the religion column, "Christianity Made Simple" for Peru Daily Tribune, continues to write inspirational articles for area newspapers, and shares further in online and e-mail ministries.

What's the #1 Thing People Do Wrong?

Written by Joe Vitale

Continued from page 1

"I can't teach an e-class like you because I have no credentials."

Your credentials are you. They are your life experiences more than anything else. Few today care about whether you have a degree or any other credential. They care if you can deliver on whatever you promise. My lifemate, Nerissa, is about to teach an online video editing class. Anything you can teach off-line can be taught on-line. With video, audio, graphics, text, and chat rooms, you can have a virtual classroom on ANYTHING you can imagine. Why not?

"I can't make money selling my stuff onrepparttar Internet."

Look around. The Internet is so big and vast and even incomprehensible that truly anything can be sold online. I've seen people sell tumble weeds and buggy whips, greeting cards and computer generated art. Anything sold off-line can be sold on-line. Go look at Ebay. People sell cars, used clothes, dirt and even snow there. I once sold an "Elvis Mermaid" at Ebay. (You can see a picture of it at www.mrfire.com) Are there really any limits to what can be sold online?

"I missedrepparttar 130558 right time to sell my idea."

Really? Just look atrepparttar 130559 title of one of my books: "There's A Customer Born Every Minute." A new crowd of prospects appears every single day. You can sell virtually anything at virtually any time if you think of what people want and cater to them. Sometimes you have to think of other uses forrepparttar 130560 same product, or other audiences than what you originally had in mind. Butrepparttar 130561 best time to sell what you have is now. What are you waiting for?

"You live in America and I live in Mexico and selling doesn't work here."

Give me a break. Friends of mine always go to Mexico (and other countries said to be behind us) and they come home with truck loads of things they bought. Besides that, withrepparttar 130562 Internet, where you live is almost meaningless. Take your product and go online. Then you're not selling to your poor neighbors, but torepparttar 130563 entire planet. Think BIG.

The list goes on and on.

To me, excuses arerepparttar 130564 #1 thing people do wrong -- online and off. While all of these excuses seem legit torepparttar 130565 person saying them, they are virtually all hogwash.

Excuses are beliefs. If you buy into them, you're stuck. If you believe instead that there's always a way around whateverrepparttar 130566 excuse is, then you'll move forward. My philosophy is, "There is ALWAYS a way."

So let me try to help you here.

First, what are your excuses?

When I began this article by askingrepparttar 130567 question, "I can't do what you did because ---", what did you say? How did you completerepparttar 130568 sentence? Those are some of your excuses.

Second, ask yourself if there's any way on earth to get around your excuses. In other words, arerepparttar 130569 excuses you stated real or imagined? Have you tried to get past any of them? Has anyone else, ever, gotten pastrepparttar 130570 same excuses?

Finally, what would you do if you had no excuses?

Whatever your answer, get out there and JUST DO IT.

Leave your excuses behind and your prosperity will begin to come to you.

Leave your excuses behind and you can achieve success, too.

Leave your excuses behind and your life will begin to soar.

If you don't act now, why not?

Whatever your answer, THAT'S an excuse.

Are you going to let it stop you?

Dr. Joe Vitale's most recent book, co-authored with Jo Han Mok and a cast of Internet celebrities and super stars, is "The E-Code: 47 Surprising Secrets for Making Money Online Almost Instantly." Sign-up for his free monthly newsletter at http://www.mrfire.com

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