'Stop Me Before I Domain Again'

Written by Donna Schwartz Mills

Continued from page 1

'I get ideas, buyrepparttar domains, and actually put them together from start to finish. I designrepparttar 108323 pages,repparttar 108324 graphics, installrepparttar 108325 CGI, advertise, get content... Then once everything is in place, I getrepparttar 108326 fever to do a new one. So I sellrepparttar 108327 old one and go at it again! I usually have several projects going on at once. So, I guess I'm not as addicted to registeringrepparttar 108328 names as I am buildingrepparttar 108329 actual community from ground up.'

If domain buying is ever officially classified as an addiction, Shelley Pietras would qualify for treatment. As owner of YourDomainForFree.com < http://www.yourdomainforfree.com >, Pietras can feed her habit with ease. Inrepparttar 108330 course of one month, Pietras has tripledrepparttar 108331 number of names in her collection to 'an even 90.' She says 'Four are in use right now, andrepparttar 108332 rest - Well, we do plan to use them, sell them, give them away as gifts.'

'Each domain that was registered came from an actual business idea. Whenrepparttar 108333 idea hit,repparttar 108334 domain was registered. Whether or not all these ideas will ever be put into action remains to be seen, but at least we've gotrepparttar 108335 first step out ofrepparttar 108336 way!'

Nita Jackson also feeds her habit by being a registrar < http://www.PCMindToday.com >. Like Price, she started buying names that were related to her site, OrganizeTips.com, because she did not want competitors getting them first. She spends about $500 each year on a total of 16 domains (two of which are actually operating as websites).

'I plan to developrepparttar 108337 rest and work my fingers torepparttar 108338 bone,' she says.

With so many names already registered, finding a good one these days is hard. Price offers this advice:

"Take your time coming up with a good name. You should probably check to see that it's not a trademarked term. Then, when you go to registerrepparttar 108339 domain, also buyrepparttar 108340 common variations (hyphenated, pluralized, etc.). Finally, don't talk to anyone about your plans until you haverepparttar 108341 domain name on record!"

Donna Schwartz Mills is editor of NOBOSS Online, the weekly newsletter for home-based entrepreneurs working the web. Subscribe by sending a blank email to subscribe-online@noboss.com. Visit today for tools tips and advice you need to help grow your home based business while raising a family - http://www.parentpreneurclub.com

Inexpensive Places to Register Domain Names

Written by Merle

Continued from page 1

Some other registration sites with good prices are:

http://www.budgetregister.com 14.99 per year http://www.dnscentral.com 15.00 per year http://www.123domains.com 13.99 per year http://www.000domains.com 13.50 per year http://www.domaininvestigator.com 20.00 per year http://www.joker.com 12.00 per year

For a complete list of alternatives go to http://www.newregistrars.com/registrars.html

If you have someone else registerrepparttar name for you, like your host, make your name is put down asrepparttar 108322 owner and administrative contact. The only placerepparttar 108323 host's name should go is underrepparttar 108324 "technical contact." If they set themselves up asrepparttar 108325 owner they will then have complete control of your domain, which could be a nightmare downrepparttar 108326 road if you ever decide to change hosts. Trust me on this, I've seen it happen.

For help choosing a name try NameBoy http://www.nameboy.com It works great for generating new ideas.

Registering a domain is not difficult. When you're ready to do it, make sure you shop around and compare prices and features. You'll be glad you did!

Merle http://www.merlesworld.com Freebies for Webmasters and a Whole Lot More! Subscribe to Merle's Mission Newsletter by sending mailto:subscribe@merlesworld.com The "Best of Merle's Mission E-book" http://www.merlesworld.com/software/merlesmission99.exe Secrets of Business in the New Millennium get the e-book here http://www.merlesworld.com/tk.cgi?Businessin2000

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