'How to Achieve High Rankings in the Search Engines'

Written by Sue Doughty

Continued from page 1

4. ALT5 tags for images

Example: ˛Plumbing

Although having a lesser importance thanrepparttar above tagsrepparttar 128165 tag should also be used to achieve sufficient keyword density.

Keyword Density and Copy Writing

Keywords and keyword phrases must occur often and nearrepparttar 128166 toprepparttar 128167 body of your web pages to be indexed. The more frequentrepparttar 128168 keywords appear andrepparttar 128169 nearer they appear torepparttar 128170 beginning ofrepparttar 128171 page,repparttar 128172 greaterrepparttar 128173 chance of high search engine placement. Effective use of keywords inrepparttar 128174 body ofrepparttar 128175 page isrepparttar 128176 second most important factor for high search engine placement. As discussed aboverepparttar 128177 tag is<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128178"> most important.<p>The Home Page is The Most Important Page<p>The home page should contain<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128179"> greatest concentration of keywords. If a user searches for "plumbing supplies˛ make sure that<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128180"> phrase "plumbing supplies˛ appears on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128181"> home page. Search engines will list in order of importance all<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128182"> sites having content related to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128183"> search phrase entered by<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128184"> user. If<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128185"> phrase "plumbing supplies˛ appears in one of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128186"> pages of your site, then<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128187"> search engines will place a greater importance on your site and it will stand a much greater chance of getting a higher ranking if<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128188"> phrase also appears on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128189"> home page.<p>The goal of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128190"> webmaster is to discover<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128191"> best keywords to use in your content and meta tags. Try to figure out<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128192"> search words and phrases users would enter to find your site.<p>Don't Use an Image for<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128193"> Body of Your Page<p>Since search engines use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128194"> actual content (words) of your page as a basis for indexing, never use an image as<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128195"> main content of your page. Doing so will reduce your chances of high search engine positioning.<p>Use Search Phrases<p>Using<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128196"> above tags as a guide, a user may type "plumbing supplies˛ in a search engine. This is a search phrase because it is more than one word. Most users use search phrases or keyword combinations, not single words.<p>Do Not Use Hidden Text<p>Never attempt to hide text to achieve greater keyword density by making it<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128197"> same color as<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128198"> background or use any similar "trick˛ to fool<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128199"> search engines. Doing so only risks your site being banned from<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128200"> search engines. Always be up front and straightforward in your web page design. Never attempt to hide anything from<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128201"> search engines. These tricks usually backfire.<p>1 keywords ­ The words users enter into search engines to find web pages with content they are looking for.<p>2 meta tags ­ Content in a web page that<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128202"> search engines can see but are not usually seen by<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128203"> user when<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128204"> page is viewed on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128205"> Internet. It is common to include a meta tag with a list of KEYWORDS to help<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128206"> search engines properly categorize it. Two other important meta tags are<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128207"> TITLE and DESCRIPTION tags described in this article.<p>3 tags ­ Web pages are written in a format in which<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128208"> text is "tagged˛ with codes that<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128209"> browser can read. These tags tell<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128210"> browser how to display<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128211"> page.<p>4 spam ­ The derogatory term for excessive and unwanted communication on Internet lines derived from<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128212"> canned meat product with<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128213"> same name. In this context it refers to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128214"> repeated use of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128215"> same keywords in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128216"> meta tags to try to gain an unfair advantage or to fool<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128217"> search engines into giving you a higher ranking. "Spamming˛<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128218"> search engines can get you banned, so it is an unsafe practice.<p>5 alt tag ­ This is a tag used on images. Although most Internet users have systems that can display images, some cannot. The purpose of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128219"> <ALT> tag is to provide some text which these users see in place of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128220"> image. <br><img src="images/ata.gif"><br> <p>Sue Doughty is the Marketing Director of Studio1 Design and Hosting and has over 15 years experience in her field. Her advice has helped many businesses achieve success on the Internet. Visit Studio1 Design and Hosting on the Web at http://www.studio1webdesign.com, email mailto:info@studio1webdesign.com or phone toll-free (888) 414-2390.<br><br><br></font></td><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --><td align="top" width="10%"></td><td align="top" width="45%"><h2>Discover How To Rank No. 1 on Yahoo And Google Without Spending A Dime</h2><font size="2">Written by Shahnaz Rauf</font><br><br><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5766870852072819"; google_ad_width = 234; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "234x60_as"; google_ad_channel ="9238851329"; google_color_border = "CFB9A1"; google_color_bg = "CFB9A1"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "431B02"; google_color_text = "431B02"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> <font size="2"><br>Continued from page 1<br> I use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar "> world submitter facility. This not only includes a free submission to Yahoo and Google but a whole lot more. Here if you want to avoid<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128164"> FFA sites they include in their free submission (this gives you a lot of junk mail that may get your email account down)- you may upgrade for a very small fee and use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128165"> search engine submission only- well worth<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128166"> try... http://www.worldsubmitter.com 3. About 8 weeks later hand submit your site to Google ...Here you just need to fill in your web site address and click submit at http://www.google.com/addurl.html 4. Another 6-8 weeks and go back to world submitter– keep repeating<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128167"> cycle. 5. Go Viral – This is an absolute must –<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128168"> true potential here yet remains to be realized. Those of you who have been overlooking this powerful cheap advertising tactic right under your nose – My God... JUMP IN RIGHT NOW!<p>This way you spread your links both horizontally and vertically. Your link popularity will increase and<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128169"> search engines will find you through other sites linking to you. How you do this:<p>- Write articles- these invariably get published and your links start floating around. One of my articles published on another site is ranking No.5 on Yahoo right now. - The second most effective technique is to give away your own viral ebooks – these will serve not only as your very own ebusiness cards but also help spread your links. And you can be assured of free highly targeted traffic for a long time to come. <br><img src="images/ata.gif"><br> <p>Shahnaz Rauf is The Editor of The Monster Twister– a Newsletter committed to finding cheap practical marketing solutions. She is also a strong advocate of viral marketing and a believer in subconscious power. Her ebooks and articles are freely available at http://www.snzeport.com<br><br><br></font></td><!-- google_ad_section_end --></tr><tr><td>    <a class="mlink" href="'How_to_Achieve_High_Rankings_in_the_Search_Engines'-28165.htm"><</a>Back to Page 1</td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5766870852072819"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_channel ="8831454965"; google_color_border = "CFB9A1"; google_color_bg = "CFB9A1"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "431B02"; google_color_text = "431B02"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="48" align="center" background="images/bg_nav_bottm.jpg"><span class="style3">ImproveHomeLife.com © 2005<br> <a href="terms.html" rel="nofollow">Terms of Use</a></span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> var HASH_ESCAPED="%23"; function TrackIt(adUnit){ if (window.status) { var adDomain = escape(window.status.substring(6)); var pyPage = document.location.pathname; var params = document.location.search; var hasAnchor = params.lastIndexOf(HASH_ESCAPED)!= -1; params = hasAnchor? 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