'Ecce Homo, Eccumenico Est'

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

Our science brings us closer yet To G-d in truth, I’ll make a bet Eschewrepparttar callous callow leeches Who cullrepparttar 126655 Earth as they beseech us As Jesus said it is ‘within’ Buddha surely agreed with him Let’s endrepparttar 126656 denominational prejudices Accept there is only one true Path Endrepparttar 126657 endless expressing of wrath Based on stupid religious differences!


Every Art Masterpiece is a Forgery!

Written by Tobias Lars

Continued from page 1

The "Art" of Limitless Energy.

But in our current "fallen" creation almost all of us have turned away fromrepparttar Free Gifts,repparttar 126654 unlimited energy of All That Is. We try to own, contain, corral, enclose, limit, fix, stop, keep,repparttar 126655 unlimited free energy of Love-Source-God. We try to buy "priceless" pieces of art to give us a hit of this Divine energy. It doesn't really work, so we settle for status and envy from others by owning this "famous" artist.

We have taken for grantedrepparttar 126656 unlimited energy all around us torepparttar 126657 point where we don't appreciate it or even notice it very often. The "art" of limitless energy, of Love, of anything we want, is available all around us at any time we choose. We have brought this idea that there is nothing for free so far down now that we are now selling water and air to each other. Water and air! The two most plentiful things onrepparttar 126658 planet and we have now polluted them so much that we have to buy clean air and water from each other! Unbelievable but true. Just like we are underrepparttar 126659 spell that there isn't free Love-Source-God energy available to all of us inside our Selves. Our inner beliefs create a direct reflection of our outer reality. And more and more instantly as time is speeding up and dimensions are collapsing into One.

Free Energy is available today! There are inventors that have invented "zero point energy" machines today. That is a fact no matter that our collective unbelief mostly immediately dismisses it as "impossible", "not practical" or whatever. We are so programmed to toil, slavery, pain, misery, that we are unable and unwilling to believerepparttar 126660 Free Energy that Source-God wants to give to us. If you are interested in a real attempt to bring these free energy machines to usrepparttar 126661 people, look up http://www.seaspower.com/ where Dr. Steven Greer is spearheading a real, backed with money and scientific experts attempt at going directly torepparttar 126662 people and setting us free from a geopolitics of war and control based on a global oil economy. At least add your consciousness to those who believe it's possible.

The Sistine Chapel is a Forgery!

Michelangelo spent about 7 years paintingrepparttar 126663 Sistine Chapel. It is considered an irreplaceable piece of art history. Mother Earth has spent millions of years creatingrepparttar 126664 canyon,repparttar 126665 sculpted red rocks I am looking at.

I met some people atrepparttar 126666 entrance where I parked. They drove a beautiful new Cadillac; they had obvious expensive well tailored clothes on. The man got out of his car and took three pictures ofrepparttar 126667 red rocks with his disposable camera. He told me they had "seen"repparttar 126668 Grand Canyon earlier and now were "seeing" Oak Creek and Sedona as part of their trip. "Beautiful isn't it?" he said. I said "Yes I think so too." I offered that there was an easy place to stop at downrepparttar 126669 road where they could walk throughrepparttar 126670 apple orchard and see for themselvesrepparttar 126671 sculpted red rocks I was going down to. He looked at his watch and said they had to get torepparttar 126672 hotel to keep their schedule.

How much do we really "see" around us ofrepparttar 126673 eternal timeless sculpted creation? Do we feel into it, feelrepparttar 126674 passage of time,repparttar 126675 eternal quiet, and hearrepparttar 126676 wind caressingrepparttar 126677 cliffs,repparttar 126678 passing of eons?

It's there waiting for us...forever...for us to "turn around" and when we do... we "stop" our minds and feel...andrepparttar 126679 real Artistrepparttar 126680 source of all "art" awakens with--in us.

Tobias Lars, BS, MBA, Mensa, is a spiritual counselor, life coach and business consultant from Sedona, Arizona. Over the past 25 years he has been a partner of two international trading firms, a yoga teacher, national spiritual seminar leader, poet, musician, and is the author of the upcoming book, Awakening Souls. Visit his website at www.soulcounseling.com. His email address is tobiaslars@soulcounseling.com.

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