$77.15 in six months?

Written by Henry Gold

Continued from page 1

If you are not, and interested to know more, you can visit: http://www.make1million.com/intro.html

2. Promote itrepparttar right way.

Most MLM businesses suggest you to tell your friends and co-worker to join your Business.

Do you think they will? Think again. 90% of your friends may not be your targeted market.

Onrepparttar 120921 other hands, Have you ever thought of E-mail harvester that send unsolicited email to 20,000,000 people for $99. Do you feel it is a good idea?

Don't do it!

If you do, you will jeopardy your business inrepparttar 120922 matter of days. To knowrepparttar 120923 truth about Bulk E-mail, you can click on:


>> What should I do, Henry?

Increase your targeted lists. How? Remember about a pop-up button that told you that you won a price? When you clicked on it, you needed to input your information in returns of my free E-book to you. That is one ofrepparttar 120924 strategies that I used to accumulate 43,618+ ofrepparttar 120925 subscribers.

I know it is taking a lot of times to do but, Think ofrepparttar 120926 result. I am able to have more than 2,675 students. Have you ever thought where are they coming from? People who subscribed to my E-letter.

You have completedrepparttar 120927 first and second step.

Now....repparttar 120928 question is...

3. How can YOU make a consistent monthly income?

One webmaster told me that he was making $2,000 on his first month, $600 onrepparttar 120929 second month, $275 onrepparttar 120930 third month, and could barely survive onrepparttar 120931 last few months. He said to me that it is too difficult to make money online.

>> How different are your strategies compare to other webmasters?

50% of my sales are generated from people who join repparttar 120932 membership. The other 50% is throughrepparttar 120933 affiliate checks that I receive every month.

The good thing about affiliate income is, you still get paid every month whether you are working or not. This is also one ofrepparttar 120934 right way to make consistent monthly income.

>> Can you tell merepparttar 120935 formula?

By starting your own business first and connecting affiliate programs to your existing business arerepparttar 120936 steps to make consistent income online.

As a conclusion...

Instead of telling you that I will probably make $5,000 on next month, I am able to tell you that I will make at least $5,000 even if I decide to take some vacations to Aruba.

For closing....

This information gives you some pictures on how you should be more careful about business opportunity. In addition, I want you to think about Biz Op as a link to your existing business (if you already started an E-business). You should focus more on other aspects.

If you would like to find out which online marketing strategies work well and which do NOT, look at my website guide "Make 1 Million". It comes with unlimited consultation. You'll find it in intro page of http://www.make1million.com site.

Success is yours, Henry Gold

** Article by Henry Gold. Henry is recognized as one of the most successful Work-At-Home expert. Visit: http://www.freebiesgroup.com for free articles on Internet Marketing, Free E-book, software, animation, and more. Too busy to visit? Subscribe to his Free weekly E-goldnetter Marketing: mailto: internetgoldenkey-15470@autocontactor.com

Tips to power-up your sales copy

Written by Anthony L. Davenport

Continued from page 1

"Get Your copy today"

"...This product your about to own"


So make sure to limitrepparttar use of too many colors, bolds, italic, etc. These are all very powerful tools...but try not to use them all onrepparttar 120920 same word...that tends to leave an eye strain onrepparttar 120921 reader. If that happens, be sure they will clicking pressrepparttar 120922 "x" button atrepparttar 120923 top of their window.

Another Thing..make sure your copy has LOTS of white space...this will make it easy to read..and for those who 'skim' through--this will make findingrepparttar 120924 vital information easy.

So use bullets, lines, all caps, larger fonts, etc. to signal a new segment or benefit.

Make your Sales Copy Irresistible:

Include bonuses related to your offer. A fr~e eBook, software or report. Great thing with eProducts, we all can do this at a very low cost to us.

Use fun words to excite your reader: Fr~e, Easy, Love, Safe, Save, New,Value,Proud,Fast, Magic,Suddenly,Healthy,Comfortable,Gain,Power, Discover,Proven,Secret,Incredible,Automatic, Perfect,Win,Fr~edom,Independence,beautiful, First, etc.

These are just a few examples. With a little brainstorming, you could easily think of more creative words.

Next, to make your copy irresistible, you must provide a powerful money back guarantee.. take allrepparttar 120925 risk away and ease your visitors troubled thoughts.

With so many scams out there onrepparttar 120926 internet, you can't blame your visitor for not trusting you. So providing themrepparttar 120927 opportunity of taking away all their financial risk, will go a long way in making their decision of buying from you.

Consider using guarantees that are longer than 30 days, this way your customer will not feel rushed to evaluate it. The longer your guarantee,repparttar 120928 more sales you will get. Because, if your guarantee is for a long period of time,repparttar 120929 visitor will see you REALLY stand behind your product, and they will feel confident in buying it from YOU.

In closing these tips for making your sales copy sell better, let me re-cap

1-Know your market do your research and find out what they want, and give it to them as your product.

2-Build Rapport with your reader. Answer "What’s in it for me" Be sincere in your willingness to help them.

3-Make your copy easy to read Use lots of white space, and write forrepparttar 120930 "skimmers"

4-Make a great offer Offer irresistible bonuses, and offer an 'iron clad guarantee'.

So if your eBusiness is in a slump, test your ads, test your offers, test your copy... ..remember in internet marketing it's: "adapt or die"

Again thank you for reading. I hope you found this informative..or, I hope this writing atleast enforced what you already know.

In anycase, I wish you allrepparttar 120931 success you deserve.

To Your eSuccess, Anthony L. Davenport

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may Re-publish this article in your own publication, just make sure my "sig file" and all information with-in remains inrepparttar 120932 article ^_^ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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