$50 = $50

Written by Henry Gold

Continued from page 1

2. Is your sales letter difficult to read?

If you compare to my original version, you will find out thatrepparttar Mar 13 version has a little changes... Where is that?

If you look at: The "Mar 13" version: "Here are some of my strategies you will discover....."

The Original Version: "Here are some lists of what "make1million" member...."

Compare to both contents, it's very difficult to get repparttar 120963 meaning of what I am trying to mention inrepparttar 120964 content with a small and narrow box. Visitors are required to read every details.... and you know they won't do that.

3. Is your web content simplified enough to attract your visitors?

Scroll down torepparttar 120965 very bottom part of Mar 13 version (old.html) and compare with my original version.

In my original letter, I mentioned:

"Are you ready to Start Making Money Online?"

Can you compare with what I wrote inrepparttar 120966 Mar 13 version? If you couldn't find it, read againrepparttar 120967 letter... I wrote: "Ask Yourself these questions..."

>> What isrepparttar 120968 different, Henry?

My original version is easier to understand and more challenging people's mind.

Onrepparttar 120969 other hand,repparttar 120970 "Mar 13" version will be ignored by 90% of my web visitors.

As a conclusion, if you would like to change your website from "$50 = $50" to "$50 = $200" or more, you need to Re-examine your website every time you dorepparttar 120971 advertisements.

>> Henry, What happen if my website does not generate $50 = $50?

If your website is simply break even or losing money, you need to watch out two things:

A. The company that you advertised your website on.

Many companies are offering hype advertising methods. If you are just trying one company and results in NO sales, you should try two others different companies.

We're living inrepparttar 120972 world that is full of scams. Therefore, ifrepparttar 120973 results are still belowrepparttar 120974 break even or not even making you 100% in profits, you MUST:

B. Look at your web content.

Read on what you wrote and ask yourself whether you are interested in buying your products... If you do or don't know, ask other marketers about their opinions.

I hope this gives you some ideas....

And if you would like to find out which online marketing strategies work well and which do NOT, look at my website guide "Make 1 Million". It comes with unlimited consultation. You'll find it in intro page of http://www.make1million.com site.

Success is yours, Henry Gold

Article by Henry Gold. Henry is recognized as one of the most successful Work-At-Home expert. Visit: http://www.freebiesgroup.com for free articles on Internet Marketing, Free E-book, software, animation, and more. Too busy to visit? Subscribe to his Free weekly E-goldnetter Marketing: mailto:internetgoldenkey-15470@autocontactor.com

The Power Is In The Pipes: How To Get Maximum Leverage From Your Website

Written by Michael Southon

Continued from page 1

Here are some sites that offer autoresponder accounts:

http://www.aweber.com/ http://www.getresponse.com/ http://www.responders.com/ http://www.proautoresponder.com/ http://www.www.roibot.com/ http://www.infogeneratorpro.com/ http://www.replypro.net/ http://www.auto-responder.co.uk/

Now, autoresponder accounts cost between $17 and $20 per month. And with most autoresponder services you can only manage one list per account. So if you are managing 5 lists, that quickly adds up to a hefty monthly bill.

But there are a few services that allow you to manage multiple lists with one account. Here are some of them:

http://www.rapidreply.net/ http://www.ezmailpro.com/ http://www.autorespond-it.com/ http://www.1automationwiz.com/ http://www.royal-responder.com/

(2) Capturing Email Addresses

The most popular way to get new subscribers to your list is a 'subscribe form' that pops up when your website loads. I get 25 to 30 new subscribers a day using this technique. The HTML code forrepparttar subscribe form usually comes with your autoresponder account.

Another way to invite visitors to join your list is an 'alert box'. An alert box is a small gray dialogue box that pops up when someone visits your website. It usually says something like: "Please subscribe to my Newsletter. 5 Free eBooks when you join". It's impossible to ignore an alert box - you have to either close it or click OK to continue.

Alert boxes have two advantages over subscribe forms. Firstly, there's no form to fill in, so it's much easier for people to join your list. People who have switched from a subscribe form to an alert box report 3 to 5 times as many subscribers.

Secondly, alert boxes capture only "real" email addresses -repparttar 120962 email address fromrepparttar 120963 visitor's client browser. You end up with very few Hotmail and Yahoo addresses, which means you'll have a much more responsive list. For more information about alert boxes, visit: http://www.optinlightning.com/

So to sum up, use your website to build several optin mailing lists and you'll have a private audience of people you can market to over and over again - it'srepparttar 120964 key to running a successful online business.

------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. For more information visit: http://www.ezine-writer.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------

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