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6. Thou Shalt Tweak:
Familiarize yourself with
term "split-run". A split run is where you take 2 ads and send them out simultaneously and measure
results to see which ad pulled more clicks and sales. You take
better of
2 ads and create another one. Run a split-test again with your best ad & your new ad. The winner moves on to
next round. Repeat this process often.
7. Honor Thine Mailing List:
Your current and previous customers are an incredible source of revenue for you. It's a shame that many online business owners neglect this each and every day. Stay in touch with your prospects by sending an email or printed newsletter or flyer. Offer them special discounts and loyalty bonuses. If you forget them, they will surely forget you.
8. Thou Shalt Not Be Hindered By Failure:
You will fail. Period. Dust yourself off & get back on
horse. It is part of your education. Learn from it and move forward.
9. Thou Shalt Duplicate What Works:
Commandment number six goes hand-in-hand with this one. The wonderful thing about doing business online is
ease at which you can scale-up your operation. If you find something that works, do it again, and again. Reach a larger audience. If you've found a successful niche as an affiliate with a mini-site, set up 25 more sites.
10. Thou Shalt Reward Thyself:
You need some time away from
computer. Go outside. Go shopping. Visit friends. Buy yourself a new toy. Read something non-technical, fiction maybe. You've earned
right to treat yourself. Make it a habit or it will become a resentment.
Mike Nalbone is the Webmaster at :: Work at Home :: Small Office :: Home Office :: Education, News & Resources for home based business owners.