1st Class on the TITANIC---Written by James Sorrell
***365 of planet's richest people, (including Bill Gates), have as much $$$ as 2.6 BILLION of poorest [which is totally obscene!!!]. That is only 43 more people than were in 1st Class on TITANIC! [There were 322 of them] In order for these greedy rich to be so wealthy, they have to keep billions poor, many homeless! In this ordered Universe, there are specific blessings distributed by 'Maker of All Things' to each of us; but obscene rich have played game of MONOPOLY for real and stolen away opportunities of billions of people! They were initially given wealth as a shared trust, to see that all have some share in humanity {"Love your neighbor as yourself" means that you see to it that your neighbor has it just as good as you do; all 6 billion of us on this "blue marble" are neighbors & at least 33rd cousins--->Genesis 6:9 We ALL come from Noah's 3 sons!} .....We should ALL have a share in humanity, but rich hoard instead of sharing, which was part of their deal that they ignore. In USA, everyone (300 million) could be a millionaire if rich were JUST millionaires (1 million $$ each). 'No poor, no homeless, no communism/socialism, no dis-enfranchised' is possibility when opportunities are equal for all; economy would be 90% better because everyone is a participating member, and there would be no theft [99% gone]! It is time to start MONOPOLY game all over again!!! In opening part of original film, "Planet of Apes", astronaut states reason why he left modern Earth in a spaceship, never to return..."Because brother goes to war with brother, and men do nothing while their neighbor's children starve".
| | Slavery, 'Colon'- ization & the fall of ethical family structureWritten by Robert Bruce Baird
Catalan is not far from Rennes le Chateau. It is near to certain that Columbus’ family were important Catalan ship owners or Admirals for millennia when Tartessus/Iberian corporate Empire existed. Even Britannica admits he is Jewish which would indicate Cathar development was part of this family’s involvement. There should be much more research done into Huguenot involvement of this family leading to other Merovingians in later eras like John Jacob Astor. The Lafittes also had to flee Spain during one of programs to get Jewish people’s assets. But remember that none of these people are very exact about who or what a Jew is other than a religious cult that practices esoteric rituals which they also practice in their inner sanctums. Slavery was big business and it is debatable whether things were any better than days when Greece used up so many lives in their mining operations that Joseph of Arimathaea duplicated for Rome. I have great respect for Cathar ecumenicism, women priests, free education, free medicine and other ways or means to give people insight to their human purpose and soul. But there are elements of The Halakah and other rituals of Judaism which are not in line with what my sensibilities tell me is right for management of society. But that kind of thinking would allow Joseph of Arimathaea to operate Roman slave mines wouldn’t it? One of these rationales is ability to visualize a hierarchy of human rights that allows existence of slavery or servitude in any form, such as still existent 19th Century Scale of Nature. Early in his life even well-educated Thomas Jefferson thought black people came about due to some white man mating with an orangutan. But clearly Cathars were better than all other Old World Nations. The same can be said of Jews and their treatment of their women to some degree. Yes, women were made chattel and slaves or servants to hierarchy of men in Europe and Asia. It allowed little men to feel powerful even though their leaders and Nobles could come by and screw their daughters and priests had ample supply of Scarlet Women and ‘bastards’ to abuse due to break up of extended family which had protected children in Keltic times. It was still going on in Ireland during last decade of 20th Century as forced labor with illegitimates and their mothers were providing laundry cleaning in prisons or what could be called concentration camps.