1 Place Where The Grass Is Always Greener!

Written by Gordon Bryan

Onrepparttar other side of course!!! (Bet you knew that was coming, eh?)

Doesn’t make for a very long article though, does it!

So let’s ask if it’s actually true.

‘Is it actually true?’

Er, well no, really.

It certainly *looks* greener, oh yes, but for all you know it could be plastic astro-turf.

Don’t concentrate onrepparttar 123464 other side ofrepparttar 123465 fence anyway, look to your own side.

Get outrepparttar 123466 lawnmower, and trim that unnecessary straggly stuff. Get some lawn seed, and sprinkle liberally. Use that watering can, and clear away those broken shopping trolleys. Oooh, you’ll end up with a lovely bit of lawn!

Ok, ok, enough, but you getrepparttar 123467 idea?

The grass being greener onrepparttar 123468 other side is just an illusion. Other people’s lives being better and happier than yours is also just an illusion.

Firstly, you have no idea what actually goes on behind what you see, and secondly there is a whole football stadium full of people who would jump atrepparttar 123469 chance to have your life, because it looks that much better than theirs!

Accept Change With A Smile!

Written by Gordon Bryan

Do you like horror films? I don’t.

Ooh, no no, too gory for my liking, give me ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ any day.

They are really popular though,repparttar horrors, and I reckon I know how to make them even scarier…

Just asrepparttar 123463 sweet innocent, (probably a virgin), is about to get hacked to a brutal death, or bitten or whatever,repparttar 123464 screen should go black, and in big white letters, this word should flash up:


I’m telling you now,repparttar 123465 whole cinema would erupt. Popcorn flying, grown men screaming like girls, projectile vomiting, repparttar 123466 works.

It’s one of our deepest darkest fears.

Here’s why.

Change opens uprepparttar 123467 possibility that things might be worse than they are atrepparttar 123468 present moment. Yes, they might be better, but let’s face it, it’s much more likely that things will be worse.

Isn’t it?

Er, well no actually.

Most ofrepparttar 123469 time our negative expectations are proved to be wrong. Think about how many times have you found yourself saying ‘I thought it was going to be worse than that.’

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