1954 vs 2005 Chevrolet, A Parable

Written by Irvin L. Rozier

Jesus saves. He died onrepparttar cross for you and me. Because He did, we can have salvation. The shortest prayer inrepparttar 126507 Bible was from Peter. He was walking onrepparttar 126508 water, took his eyes off Jesus, and begin to sink. Matthew 14 verse 30 "But when he sawrepparttar 126509 wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. Verse 31 "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

My brother in law once had a 1954 six cylinder Chevrolet truck. This truck was simply built. You openedrepparttar 126510 hood, and easily had access torepparttar 126511 motor. You could work on it. Openrepparttar 126512 hood of a 2005 Chevrolet. The motors are so complicated these days, that professional training is needed to work on them.

Ancient Writers Reveal Penalty of Eternal Death

Written by Paul Griffitts

Many of our readers do not have access to any libraries of much size. You might be interested in what some ofrepparttar earlier writers believed.

In "The Duration and Nature of Future Punishment" by Henry Constable (1868), we find a little table of early writers and their views on this subject. The death date of each is given.

Barnabas (90), Clement of Rome (100), Hermas (l04), Ignatius,Martyr (107), Polycarp,Martyr (147). Justin,Martyr (164), and Theophius, of Antioch (183); all held torepparttar 126506 Scriptural view thatrepparttar 126507 supreme penalty for all who did not have life was eternal death.

Then came a couple of minor writers:

Athenagoras (190) and Tatian (200), who were steeped inrepparttar 126508 Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle. The Greeks got their ideas from Babylon. So these two advancedrepparttar 126509 idea ofrepparttar 126510 immortality ofrepparttar 126511 soul (Genesis 3:4 Andrepparttar 126512 serpent said untorepparttar 126513 woman, Ye shall not surely die:). Their writings were not taken too seriously and they were considered more or less as heretics.

Two more writers, true torepparttar 126514 Word, came in about this time. They were Irenaeus, Martyr (202) and Clement Alexandrinus (212).

Thenrepparttar 126515 Greek influence again was felt. Tertullian (235) not only came out withrepparttar 126516 theory ofrepparttar 126517 immortality ofrepparttar 126518 soul, but he also taughtrepparttar 126519 eternal conscious torment ofrepparttar 126520 lost. This idea came especially fromrepparttar 126521 Greek myths, which they themselves did not believe. They were simply stories to entertain. Hippolytus (240) followed withrepparttar 126522 same ideas.

This was so revolting to Origen (253) that he inventedrepparttar 126523 idea of universal restoration because he acceptedrepparttar 126524 theory ofrepparttar 126525 immortality ofrepparttar 126526 soul. Something had to be done withrepparttar 126527 soul. Since man had become as God, (another lie of Satan), and had immortality and could not die, even God not having power to destroy him, there was a question of what to do with man.

Arnobius {303) still held torepparttar 126528 teaching ofrepparttar 126529 Scriptures. He was aboutrepparttar 126530 last of those who hadrepparttar 126531 truth. Then followed Augustine {430). He fastened both false teachings,repparttar 126532 immortality ofrepparttar 126533 soul andrepparttar 126534 eternal conscious torment ofrepparttar 126535 wicked, on torepparttar 126536 church and it has stuck till now. It is so strongly imbedded that no reformation seems to be able to eradicate it.

Now you can begin to see why there is so little said today about resurrection. It is not needed by an immortal soul. Why bother with a body?

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