15 Ways to Win a Job Interviews

Written by Cecile Peterkin

When you walk into a job interview,repparttar product you are selling is YOU. The interview process begins when you acceptrepparttar 107028 interview, and ends whenrepparttar 107029 employer decides to either hire you or look for someone more suitable. The more you are able to communicate professionalism with personality, distinction and skill,repparttar 107030 better your chance of gettingrepparttar 107031 job.

Beforerepparttar 107032 Interview: Userepparttar 107033 3 P's - Plan, Prepare, and Practice.

1. Prepare forrepparttar 107034 interview; researchrepparttar 107035 company and prepare questions based on your research.

2. Do mock interviews in order to prepare for all questions, especially uncomfortable ones.

3. Dress professionally even ifrepparttar 107036 company dress code is business casual.

4. Arrive early! (12 - 15 minutes beforerepparttar 107037 interview)

5. Give your interviewer a firm handshake. A powerful handshake and a genuine smile will get you off to a good start.

6. Beware of your Body Language; sit erect, stand and walk with confidence, lean forward towardrepparttar 107038 interviewer.

Giving Yourself An Edge During The Interview Process

Written by Lee Dobbins

There’s more to successful interviewing than writing a resume and showing up, but most people either don’t know or can’t be bothered to do those extras that may set you apart fromrepparttar hundreds of applicants competing for your dream job.

One ofrepparttar 107027 first things you should do is to make sure your resume is clear, concise and easy to read. As a hiring manager, I preferred to look at resumes that were in chronological order withrepparttar 107028 most recent accomplishments and job duties first. It’s best to keeprepparttar 107029 resume to 2 pages and write more about your latest jobs, but only a few bullet items about jobs you held 5 years ago or more.

Once your resume is polished, you should come up with a template for a cover letter. This will change for each job that you submit your resume to, but a basic template can prevent you from having to rewriterepparttar 107030 whole thing every time. It should be in a formal style and very short - 2 small paragraphs where you briefly state your experience relevant torepparttar 107031 job description and why you think you would be a good fit. Don’t go into huge details about either, but make sure you make them particular torepparttar 107032 description of each job that you are sending them to. Along those lines, you can also tweak your career goals or objective to include some ofrepparttar 107033 buzz words that were inrepparttar 107034 job description.

When you do land that interview, do some research onrepparttar 107035 company first. If you can ask intelligent questions aboutrepparttar 107036 products (or services)repparttar 107037 company makes and other details relevant torepparttar 107038 company then this will show that you are really interested in working there and can go a long way in setting you apart from other candidates. If you are a bit weak in some ofrepparttar 107039 skills required brush up on them so you can talk intelligently, but be honest about your skill level and show them that you are willing to learn or do what it takes to come up to par. Attitude is important and there have been many times when I have considered candidates with a good attitude over ones with better skills.

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