15 Ways for Speakers to Earn More Profits

Written by Laurie Kristensen

There is huge potential to create additional profits from your speeches by partnering with a professional transcriptionist to convert your audio recordings into text transcripts.

1) Speakers and consultants often deliver their presentations via teleconference calls and record them for sale later. Once transcribed,repparttar transcript can be provided free to paying attendees as a value-added item or formatted into a special report for an additional product to sell.

2) Another valuable service you can provide to your clients is to send them a transcript of your speech ahead of time. Provide a single copy and allow them to make a specific number of copies to distribute. If you giverepparttar 137738 speech often,repparttar 137739 cost ofrepparttar 137740 transcription will pay for itself over time.

3) With your speech transcribed into text on paper, you can easily customize it for new clients, add new material, and delete outdated sections.

4) A certain percentage in an audience will have hearing problems and not be able to understand you clearly. Promise them a transcript of your speech, or one that was transcribed earlier from another time you gave basicallyrepparttar 137741 same speech.

5) If a prospective client asks if you've ever talked about a specific topic, you can send an excerpt from a transcribed speech that you gave for another client that addressed that topic.

6) If you originally wrote up a speech you give often, but over time you've ad-libbed, added new material, changed things here and there, and your current, evolved speech is quite different from your original write-up, have a recording transcribed for an up-to-date transcript of your speech as you currently deliver it.

7) Rather than mailing a tape or a video to a prospective client, it's faster to email or fax a transcript, saving time AND money. Even if you still mail a tape or video, this will get your information in text form to your client sooner for review, and they'll be even more certain it's worth takingrepparttar 137742 time to also review your audio or video.

8) Provide reporters and editors with transcripts of your speeches to make it as easy as possible for them to give you press coverage, making it more likely to create good publicity for yourself and your client.

9) Have recordings of your radio and TV interviews transcribed and convertrepparttar 137743 transcripts into articles, book chapters, or to add to your press kit.

Top Ten Tips for Improving Your Cash Flow

Written by Alvah Parker

Cash is king—so they say. If you work for yourself or someone else, you need to be aware of ways to improverepparttar cash flow. Budgeting and collecting are not glamorous but they are both key to having a successful business. Working in a successful business is much more fun than working for a struggling one!

1. Stick to your budget. (If you don’t have one, make one now.) The budget is part of a business plan. You want to know exactly how much to spend on each large item you purchase and when you will haverepparttar 137729 cash to do it. Your cash flow projection coupled with your forecast will give yourepparttar 137730 proper timing for making purchases. The items you have budgeted for should also be part ofrepparttar 137731 business plan.

2. Bill your clients regularly. Many business owners are so busy selling to new clients that they forget to invoicerepparttar 137732 clients they have already worked with. Putrepparttar 137733 task of billing your clients on your calendar and then stick to that schedule.

3. Get a retainer for your services before you beginrepparttar 137734 work. If you are going to be working with a client over a period of time, you will want to request some money up front before you begin to deliverrepparttar 137735 service.

4. Give a discount for early payment. You will be able to collectrepparttar 137736 money more quickly if you offer a discount for prompt payment.

5. Accept a credit card for payment. Although you have to payrepparttar 137737 credit card company for this service, havingrepparttar 137738 convenience of a credit card allowsrepparttar 137739 client to pay immediately. Collection is nowrepparttar 137740 problem ofrepparttar 137741 credit card company.

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