15-Minute De-Frazzlers

Written by Susie Michelle Cortright

We strive to create balance and peace in our families. We strive to live each day inrepparttar knowledge that our family is a gracious gift; a gift to be treasured and celebrated inrepparttar 130974 every day.

We strive to simplify our lives, but our family's competing demands are anything but simple.

Sometimes, simplifying means--quite simply--renewing our focus on what's really important in our lives. Sometimes, balancing means--quite simply--surrendering roles that aren't important so we'll have more time to nurturerepparttar 130975 roles that are.

That's why I've created *Soul Snacks for Families.* These are creative ways you can focus on your family and create memories with your kids while remaining attentive to your own needs as a parent. All in 15 minutes or less.

Here are a week's worth of Family Soul Snacks. They were created, not withrepparttar 130976 expectation that you will do each activity on its designated day, but, rather, to remind you that, every day, you have 15 very special minutes to fill. Fifteen minutes expressly to nurture your children, your spouse, and yourself in a special way.

Day One This evening, just beforerepparttar 130977 sun goes down, gather your family to watchrepparttar 130978 sunset. The only rule: no one speaks untilrepparttar 130979 sun has completely nestled intorepparttar 130980 horizon. Userepparttar 130981 quiet time to meditate and reflect onrepparttar 130982 importance of slowing down.

Day Two Make a loved one's day: Write a note, haverepparttar 130983 kids draw pictures, copy some home videos, or tape recordrepparttar 130984 kids singing and laughing. Pack it up and mail it to your oldest relative.

Loving an Organized Life

Written by Barbara Myers

An organized life may sound boring to some people and impossible to others. Why should you manage your time and get organized? What does it mean to have a totally organized life?

1. You never miss an appointment because you have a single calendar which you use religiously and check often.

2. You know what to expect of your day because you plan 75% of it, allowing 25% for interruptions and emergencies. You use a master list and a daily to-do list.

3. You don't waste time looking for things in your home or office. There is no clutter. Everything has a place and is returned there after use.

4. You enjoy help at home. Everyone does his or her share and knows what's expected. You invested your time to teach your family thus ensuring future free time for yourself.

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