14 Tips for a Good Life

Written by Ronald Yip

14 Tips for a Good Life

Your life depends to a great extend on your life habits. Your daily life habits determinerepparttar quality of your life in terms of health and general well being. Good life habits ensure your body’s ability to combat sickness and stay younger than your real age and feel good and happy. The way we think and behave determines how good a life we will lead. Below are 14 tips to develop better life habits to help you enjoy your good life.

1. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones Our lives andrepparttar 149884 circumstances we live in are largelyrepparttar 149885 result of our own thoughts and beliefs. The sum total of our thoughts, if they are positive, will result in a positive life for us. The reverse is just as true. If we think negatively most ofrepparttar 149886 time, we tend to attract negative circumstances into our life. If you think you can handle a situation, then you can.

2. Use Your Conscious Mind As A Gatekeeper And Do That All The Time To be precise, our subconscious mind cannot differentiaterepparttar 149887 good fromrepparttar 149888 bad because our subconscious mind largely represents our mind in its natural state – a mind that is pure and non-judgmental. Be more mindful, be more alert so that you’ll make less mistakes, think before you move and be happier.

3. Open Your Heart to Love Many people live a life without love and often this kind of life is miserable and meaningless. They cannot love themselves, so they also cannot love anyone else or they even think they don’t deserve love. The sad fact is that without love, no matter what else you have in life, it's not enough. We need to love ourselves unconditionally in order to live a good and full life.

4. Have Faith and Believe in Yourself Do not doubt yourself, do not fear and always believe in abundance. As long as we have doubt or fear, we will not be able to walk our path. Takerepparttar 149889 action and walkrepparttar 149890 path to success and enjoyrepparttar 149891 fruits you deserve.

5. Be Fully Responsible And Accountable for Your Life Quite often, when something goes wrong, we haverepparttar 149892 tendency to find someone or something to blame. This is very unhealthy in deed. I often heard others said “I thought …”. In future avoid say ‘I thought’, a mistake is a mistake, takerepparttar 149893 responsibility and learn from it. We reap what we sow.

6. Attitude of Gratitude and Altruistic Joy Adopt a positive attitude, in order to transform ourselves and live a good life. Remember, we bring nothing to this world when we come to life, sorepparttar 149894 world does not owe us anything. Be happy with what you have and not be unhappy about what you don’t have. Be thankful for whatever small thing or gift you receive. Altruistic joy is a concept borrowed fromrepparttar 149895 Buddhists. It is a habit of rejoicing inrepparttar 149896 happiness and success of others. People who haverepparttar 149897 habit of practicing altruistic joy focus their mind on happiness and success, thus attracting these two things into their own life. In contrast, if we were to have ill-will towards others, we will be attracting more corresponding negative situations into our own life.

7. Settingrepparttar 149898 Mood Forrepparttar 149899 Day The first hour of your day strongly determines how your entire day would turn out. If you start offrepparttar 149900 day grumpily or angrily, you’re likely to end up with a totally grumpy or angry day unless you are alert enough to catchrepparttar 149901 mood and actively choose to discard it. If you encounter some problem from work, drop it just outsiderepparttar 149902 door before you step into your house. Go to bed early and wake up early. Do not bring issues and problem with you to bed.

Understanding the Three Levels of Obedience for a Three-Year-Old

Written by Maren Schmidt

Understandingrepparttar Three Levels of Obedience for a Three-Year-Old

Sometimes when I am working onrepparttar 149873 computer, I feel like a three-year-old. At least, I think I feel like a three-year-old. I try to do some function that I haven't done in a while, and I look atrepparttar 149874 computer screen wondering how I did it. When I am utterly confused, I'll phone one of my daughters and ask, "How do I…?" Fortunately for me, they always laugh and say, "Oh, Momma!"

What does this have to do with a three-year old? A three-year-old is having new experiences, learning new skills and working on self-mastery of those skills, just like I do onrepparttar 149875 computer. Some days they can do something on their own, and other days they need assistance. This is because learning occurs in three stages, as follows:

Atrepparttar 149876 first stage, we can do an activity with assistance. Atrepparttar 149877 second stage, we can do an activity when we are asked to do it. Atrepparttar 149878 third stage, we can dorepparttar 149879 activity independently and are fully aware of when it needs to be done.

Inrepparttar 149880 example of my computer skills, trying to learn how to double-line format was a challenge. The first time, I had to be shownrepparttar 149881 series of steps. First stage. Then I could do it when someone reminded me ofrepparttar 149882 steps. Second stage. I am proud to report that I can now do it with no assistance and no reminders. Third stage, or independence.

As we learn new skills, we go back and forth between stages one and two. What leads us to independence is repeatingrepparttar 149883 activity with additional instruction. This independence allows us to obey a command or request.

Obey. We tend to think that it means, "to carry out a command without question." The word obey comes fromrepparttar 149884 Latin oboediere, meaning "to listen or to hear." To obey, we listen and then make a choice to followrepparttar 149885 command. If we hear a command from someone we trust, we will usually choose to carry outrepparttar 149886 command, if we know how to do it and have no conflicting information. We can also follow a command out of fear. Torepparttar 149887 casual observer it might appear in both instances thatrepparttar 149888 command has been followed without question.

Forrepparttar 149889 participants in an activity, command giver/command follower, teacher/student or parent/child,repparttar 149890 dynamics of fear and trust create a relationship. To build a relationship based on trust, it is critical to understandrepparttar 149891 skills necessary to accomplish a command.

Most three-year-olds have a strong desire to pleaserepparttar 149892 adults in their lives and are willing to do what we ask. What children lack arerepparttar 149893 experience andrepparttar 149894 skill. We can look at their ability to obey or level of obedience in this way:

First Level: will | no experience | no skill Second Level: will | experience | no skill Third Level: will | experience | skill

In a trusting relationship,repparttar 149895 child is eager to learn new activities. Remembering allrepparttar 149896 steps in an activity is difficult, and children need to be shown many times. Because they are keen to learn, children are always watching others, which is a reason to be a good example.

To master a skill, children need to repeat an activity perhaps hundreds of times. Children needrepparttar 149897 opportunity to do activities uninterrupted withrepparttar 149898 freedom to make mistakes without being corrected duringrepparttar 149899 activity. The exception to this is when there is immediate danger torepparttar 149900 child or property. Observing a child's "mistakes" and "messes" gives us a clue of what needs to be retaught. Also, being interrupted or not being allowed to finish an activity can berepparttar 149901 cause of frustration that may be expressed as a temper tantrum.

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