13-Step Business Development Plan for IT Professionals

Written by Andrew Neitlich

Here is a thirteen-step business development plan for IT professionals and consultants. It will help you becomerepparttar expert in your field and attract allrepparttar 104894 clients you need:

1. Identify your niche. Without a niche, it is impossible to aim your business development efforts effectively. You waste time and money chasing too many prospects. Onrepparttar 104895 other hand, by choosing a niche, you can reach your prospects more efficiently, develop more complete solutions, and ultimately become an established expert much more easily.

It may seem counterintuitive, but choosing a niche INCREASESrepparttar 104896 number of clients you attract, while REDUCINGrepparttar 104897 number of prospects that you try to reach. There are two parts to a niche. First, identifyrepparttar 104898 services you want to offer. Second, identifyrepparttar 104899 clients you want to hire you. You can identify clients by their industry (e.g. banking), demography (e.g. executives, home computer users), geography (e.g. San Diego), or interests (e.g. travel).

2. Identifyrepparttar 104900 compelling problem you solve. Prospects need a reason to call an IT professional to help them. No problem, no business. Develop a solid understanding ofrepparttar 104901 problems your target market faces, what these problems cost, and your solution.

3. Identify your edge compared torepparttar 104902 competition. In most cases, it is nearly impossible for prospects to tell one IT professionals from another. Find a way to differentiate your services by adding more value, being more efficient, offering more complete solutions, being consistent, taking risk away fromrepparttar 104903 client or by providing additional support or guarantees.

4. Compile a mailing list that allows you to stay in touch and follow up. The list should include past clients, current clients, prospects, referral sources, and influential people that can get your name out there (e.g. editors). This database isrepparttar 104904 most valuable tool in your business development tool kit.

5. Develop a series of informational messages that you can offer to prospects and clients. A web developer might offer a report entitled, "Seven secrets to designing a web site that will triple your revenue." A systems integrator might develop an audio CD called, "The ten dirty secrets inrepparttar 104905 integration business that other firms don't want you to know." A networking pro might offer a piece entitled, "Nine ways to prevent a system failure that dooms your business." Make sure that these pieces identify a compelling problem, offer a solution that works, and gives examples of how you have helped in these situations so thatrepparttar 104906 prospect associates you withrepparttar 104907 solution. Longer pieces, filled with facts, are better.

10 Ways to Move From Manager To Coach

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

1. Stop thinking of people in your organization as employees. Think of them as associates. Associates are people you work in partnership with. Employees are people you tell what to do.

2. Relate torepparttar whole person.

3. Never walk by someone without acknowledging them. A smile, a nod, a 'good morning' - these small acknowledgments go a long way.

4. Don't expect anyone to do anything you're not willing or able to do. Be a role-model. You don't need to do their work, but you must be committed to doing your work as thoroughly and error-free as you expect of others.

5. Don't ever talk about one associate with another. Period.

6. When you do need to give negative feedback, talk about repparttar 104893 behavior, notrepparttar 104894 person.

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