12 Ways to Organize Your Laundry

Written by Barbara Myers

1. Develop a system and follow it consistently. Allow your family one month to adjust to it before you alter it.

2. Enlist your family's help. Make each person responsible for transporting their clothing to and fromrepparttar laundry room. Even a five-year-old can handle that task.

3. Let children help you withrepparttar 111585 laundry. It'srepparttar 111586 best way for them to learn.

4. Do all your laundry in one day OR do a couple of loads each evening -- whichever works better for you.

5. Takerepparttar 111587 lids off your hampers. Make it easy to put dirty clothes where they belong.

6. Have a hamper in each room. However, if you have enough space, place all hampers inrepparttar 111588 laundry room. Label them according to wash loads (whites, towels, jeans, dark colors,....). Have each person sort their clothes intorepparttar 111589 hampers each night. Wash a load whenever a hamper is full enough.

7. Teach everyone inrepparttar 111590 family to make a decision about each piece of clothing as they take it off. There are three options: clean (return to closet), hang to air (designated place) or dirty (hamper).


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

For centuries roses have carried a certain mystique. They are a symbol for love, Valentine’s Day, and are used in weddings, and for anniversaries. Their scent is a delicate fragrance that lets a passer-by stop and take notice. Colors vary and several varieties even have two or three shades in one bloom. Roses can be a creamy, delicate white allrepparttar way to a velvety, ruby red. Some varieties even have blue, orange, and “pearl”. Mixing varieties and colors adds added delight and beauty to any garden, patio, or outdoor spot. Putting roses along a pathway or by a door gives visitors an aromatic, beautiful way to enter your home. They will inevitably stop and smellrepparttar 111584 roses.

Planting and growing roses is discussed in garden books, magazines, and on television shows. What isrepparttar 111585 best way to have plants that are hardy, and bloom with bouquet value flowers?

Roses grow best in a location that is protected from north and east winds. They do need sun but partial shade does not deter their growth. The soil should be well-drained because one cause of loss of plant is a “swamp” subsoil. The soil itself should be a good blend - not too much sand nor too heavy of a base. Using compost will improve soil quality and should be worked intorepparttar 111586 soil to distribute it evenly.

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