12 Top Tips For Up And Coming Article Writers

Written by Ken Hill

1. Make your articles available on your site.

You'll have an easy way to get more sales by showing your visitors that your are an expert onrepparttar topic your visitors are interested in.

2. Use lots of white space. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and torepparttar 128727 point.

3. Write for your target audience.

You'll have a better chance of attracting people to your site that are interested in purchasing your products.

4. Use numbered lists.

Your numbered lists will help you to effectively share your tips with your readers while making your article easy to read.

Use your numbered lists to share points on your article's topic, list your directions when writing a how to article, or to deliverrepparttar 128728 content of your article if you wanted to write a list article.

You can also use numbered lists to share resources related to what you talk about in your article along with your descriptions of those resources.

5. Userepparttar 128729 active voice.

Withrepparttar 128730 active voicerepparttar 128731 subject doesrepparttar 128732 action while withrepparttar 128733 passive voicerepparttar 128734 subject receivesrepparttar 128735 action expressed byrepparttar 128736 verb.

For instance:

Active voice: The dog bitrepparttar 128737 mailman. Passive voice: The mailman was bitten byrepparttar 128738 dog.

Userepparttar 128739 active voice to keep your sentences from being awkward or confusing and to liven up your article.

6. Make your writing more personal by usingrepparttar 128740 word "you" a lot within your article.

A simple way to accomplish this is to write your article to one person.

You'll naturally userepparttar 128741 word "you" a lot within your article, and your readers will feel like you're talking directly to them.

7. Don't be afraid to share your personality with your readers.

You could inject a little bit of humor into your article, or share an opinion, story or anecdote that relates torepparttar 128742 topic of your article.

8. Offer a subscription to your e-zine or a freebie in your resource box.

Writing articles will help you to get your site promoted on relevant sites and e-zines at no cost to you.

Somebody Stole My Book

Written by Patricia Gatto

Someone Stole My Book Patricia Gatto ©2004 All Rights Reserved. Joyful Productions

At a recent library presentation, a woman stole our book. Notrepparttar copyright, notrepparttar 128725 story, but a single copy of our children's book. Another person might view this as a compliment. The book has enough value for someone to steal it, but I disagree. I don't believe it's a compliment, nor do I view this action as a crime, but instead, I think it's a testament to this woman's character. Sadly, she missedrepparttar 128726 message of our presentation.

Library presentations serve as our personal gift torepparttar 128727 community. We devote our time to promote literacy and share our anti-bullying strategies to benefitrepparttar 128728 children. My husband and I speak about friendship and trust. We read, sing, play guitar and talk to children about confidence and self-esteem. When we present at smaller venues, such as a library, everyone receives a goody bag, bookmark and free cassette. Even if they don't purchase a book, we make sure no child will go home empty-handed.

A woman I'll call Sue, approached me after our presentation. With her son by her side, Sue explained, "I don't have any cash on me, but my son just loved your book. Bullying is such an important topic." Her son confirmed his mother's statement with a smile and nod of his head; however, it wasrepparttar 128729 look in his eyes that melted my heart.

Sue promised to send a check immediately. She told me she is a teacher, and she wanted to sharerepparttar 128730 book with her class. "You did a wonderful job withrepparttar 128731 story. The fantasy held his interested, but he also gotrepparttar 128732 message," she said as she wrote down her contact information. "Oh, byrepparttar 128733 way, can you sign this for me?"

So, in exchange for an autographed copy of our book, a cassette, bookmark and a goody bag, I received Sue's promise and her contact information, scribbled onrepparttar 128734 back of our business card.

Whenrepparttar 128735 check did not arrive, I gave Suerepparttar 128736 benefit ofrepparttar 128737 doubt. I waited an extra week, and then attempted to contact her. When she did not respond, I letrepparttar 128738 matter go. Maybe Sue stole our book because she couldn't afford to buy it. Maybe her motherly instinct to give her son something outweighed her common sense.

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