12 Tips to Network Your Way to Success

Written by Beth Tabak

Lots of people network but few reaprepparttar rewards of zeroing in on their potential when it comes to networking. Here are some tips to help fillrepparttar 103669 gap between where you are now and where you can be.

1- Be Generous- Give without expectations and you will be surprised at how it returns to you. It may not come fromrepparttar 103670 same source but a new client, referral, or opportunity will show up because of your efforts.

2- Be Consistent- As in marketing,repparttar 103671 more consistent your networking effortsrepparttar 103672 more productive they become. Jay Conrad Levinson of Guerilla Marketing stated, “I hate to admit this, but mediocre marketing with commitment works better than brilliant marketing without commitment.”

3- Know & Clarify WIIFT- When creating your introduction clarify who your target market is and “what’s in it for them”. Sell benefits. Verizon sells wireless phone service but sells it when you believe they never stop working to fill your phone service needs. "Can you hear me now?"

4- Get Involved- Getting involved puts you in a consistent position of visibility. 5- Be a Powerful Resource & Advocate for Others- Expand your network and be an advocate for others. Use your networking resources to hook up people you know with others. What goes around comes around.

6- Learnrepparttar 103673 Needs of Others then Help Fill Those Needs- Can your business fill their needs? Who do you know who can? Either way you have a win/win situation.

Advertising Ideas for office cleaning business

Written by Khali S.

Advertising Ideas for office cleaning business

Even if you have built an ultra efficient state-of-the-art home office, polished your image withrepparttar finest of Armani suits, equipped yourself withrepparttar 103668 newest cell phone, PDA and laptop, and draftedrepparttar 103669 most exemplary of business plans, you are not going to go anywhere inrepparttar 103670 business world without some entities to do business with.

"how to secure cleaning contracts" Establishing your clientele can berepparttar 103671 most time consuming and intellectually challenging part ofrepparttar 103672 office cleaning business or any other business. There are many issues and approaches to consider, and like many other challenges in life, there is no one single way to go about it. Everyone will have their own methods for acquiring business that will work well for them, but most businesspeople will agree that taking a multi-tiered or multi-pronged approach isrepparttar 103673 best way to go about it. That is, don’t “put all your eggs in one basket”, so to speak, when approachingrepparttar 103674 cleaning business advertising issue. To be successful, you will need to do “a little bit of this” and a “little bit of that” as they say.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Although it can be costly in some forms, advertising is perhapsrepparttar 103675 most common form of marketing and self-promotion. Television ads and full-page spreads in mainstream publications will most likely be out of your reach (unless Donald Trump is funding your consultancy), but there are plenty of other more affordable options out there. Like we have mentioned before, it is all about getting more “bang for your buck”, so it will be in your best interest to maximize on your advertising dollar. Advertising in local magazines orrepparttar 103676 local newspaper can be cost effective when addressing certain demographics. Purchasing a short prime time spot onrepparttar 103677 radio is another method, but costs several orders of magnitude more than print to get across its message. When done properly, radio can be an awesome advertising vehicle, I also call this "The next step in advertising".

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