12 Tips To Help You Turn Your Visitors Into Customers

Written by Ken Hill

1. Make buying your products hard to resist by giving away free bonuses for purchasing your product.

Your free bonuses can be ebooks you haverepparttar resell rights to, free one on one consulting, promotional resources, or anything else that you feel your visitors would find to be valuable.

2. Listen to your customers and incorporaterepparttar 120980 positive things they say about your product into your sales message.

3. Provide testimonials on your site from your happy customers. This will assure your visitors that your products will more than meet their expectations because your products have proven to successfully produce great results for other people.

When asking if you can publish your customers testimonials, ask if you may also include their name and website information along with their endorsement.

This will add more credibility to your testimonials and further decrease any resistance your visitors may have to your sales message.

4. Find out from your own sales statistics how well your products sell at different prices, using different promotions, or when offering different bonuses for purchasing your products.

Remember that underpricing your products is just as dangerous as overpricing them because if you price your products too low you runrepparttar 120981 risk of people not viewing them to be as valuable as they are.

5. Identityrepparttar 120982 key benefits your visitors will get by purchasing your product, and stress those benefits repeatedly in your copy.

6. Use subheadlines throughout your copy that grab your readers attention, that keep them reading through your sales message, and that stressrepparttar 120983 benefits of purchasing your product.

Life After Press Release Distribution?

Written by Carolyn Moncel

A few weeks ago I was participating on an on-line message board. One ofrepparttar members was a new business owner who was very excited about sending out her company's first press release. The question she posted torepparttar 120979 group was important, but also a common one echoed by so many small-business owners charged with handling media coverage in-house forrepparttar 120980 first time: "Now that I've distributed my press release, what do I do next?

The answer to that question is a simple one: You follow up withrepparttar 120981 media. Following up with reporters by phone or e-mail -- where appropriate, can be more important than sendingrepparttar 120982 release itself. Why? Because mayberepparttar 120983 reporter didn't receiverepparttar 120984 fax sent, hasn't read his e-mail yet, orrepparttar 120985 headline forrepparttar 120986 release sent via wire services just didn't engage him enough to want to readrepparttar 120987 release inrepparttar 120988 first place. Or mayberepparttar 120989 release wasn't sent to any one reporter in particular, which is always a no-no.

Fear isrepparttar 120990 number one reason why most people avoid making contact withrepparttar 120991 media. In fact, most small-business owners worry that they won't know what to say torepparttar 120992 reporter once they call, or that they will catchrepparttar 120993 reporter at an inopportune time and anger him or her. However if you've takenrepparttar 120994 time to targetrepparttar 120995 right reporter, study their news beat andrepparttar 120996 types of stories they prefer, and adhere to their deadlines, you should have nothing to fear in picking uprepparttar 120997 phone and calling a reporter.

There are basically two approaches one can take to follow up. First if you are confident in telling your company's story, you can just call uprepparttar 120998 appropriate reporter and tell him or her about your news and ask permission to send overrepparttar 120999 release. If there is interest fromrepparttar 121000 reporter then sendrepparttar 121001 release over immediately. The second way is to sendrepparttar 121002 release torepparttar 121003 correct reporter and then follow up with a phone call or e-mail -- base your follow up method on whatrepparttar 121004 reporter prefers.

One word of caution: Always remember that reporters are very busy people so try to give them two days before following up. It takes them a while to get through all ofrepparttar 121005 messages that they receive. However, if you have a breaking story to report and you want to alertrepparttar 121006 reporter in advance, or you have an event taking place -- any particularly time-sensitive news, then giverepparttar 121007 reporter a callrepparttar 121008 next day afterrepparttar 121009 release has been sent.

So you haverepparttar 121010 reporter onrepparttar 121011 phone -what exactly should you say to him or her? It's easiest to start withrepparttar 121012 one sentence you should never utter: "I'm following up to make sure you received my news release." Consider thisrepparttar 121013 second commandment just right under "Thou shall not forget to ask a reporter if he or she is on deadline before pitching a story." It's also always a good idea to do a little preparation prior to making your phone call.

Here are some tips:

Do make sure thatrepparttar 121014 press release sent is available in two forms - fax and e-mail. The reporter may not have received your release, and if he or she has an interest, they will want you to resend it. The faster you can resend itrepparttar 121015 betterrepparttar 121016 chance of coverage, so haverepparttar 121017 fax version ready inrepparttar 121018 fax machine andrepparttar 121019 e-mail version ready to go once you hitrepparttar 121020 "send" button.

Do prepare two alternative story ideas in caserepparttar 121021 reporter rejectsrepparttar 121022 one offered in your release.

Do purposely leave out a couple nuggets of information so that you can offer them up torepparttar 121023 reporter during follow up.

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