12 Thoughts for Marketing: The Condensed Version

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

1. The Power of Words..

One and Two Word Headlines are real Attention Grabbers! Remember that your HEADLINE isrepparttar most important part of your ad.

Use Power Words - For a reference list ofrepparttar 121760 Best Power Words check < http://www.MakingProfit.com/powerwords.html>

What, Where, Why, Who or How - One ofrepparttar 121761 quickest ways to grab attention, is to pose a question to your readers they can't help but answering.

Use Facts - Although "Power" words are great eye catchers and helprepparttar 121762 flow of your copy, nothing beats providing facts and product details. Try "Dramatizing" your facts or use "Human Interest" Facts.

Use Adjectives and Adverbs. If you are a writer or have ever studied writing, I'm sure that your instructors burned into your mind,repparttar 121763 fact that you need to minimizerepparttar 121764 use of adjectives and adverbs. Well, I'm here to tell you that they are wrong...well at least inrepparttar 121765 copywriting arena that is.

Write, re-write and re-write and re-write and re- write again...

2. Testimonials:

Show you prospect how your product has helped others.

One Testimonial is Worth a Thousand Words.

3. Make it convenient to do business with you:

No Obligation Inquiries - Many consumers are wary of being harassed by salespeople. Put their mind at ease. Let them know that they won't have to fight off salesperson after salesperson. Customer Service - Many consumers preferrepparttar 121766 icing torepparttar 121767 cake. They want to be catered to no matter whatrepparttar 121768 cost. If you can offer great service with low cost, you may haverepparttar 121769 winner you're looking for.

4. Know your target market and what they really want:

Testrepparttar 121770 product market before I picked my product. It's down right amazing how many companies decide onrepparttar 121771 product they know if there is actually a market for it..

Specific Targeting - Keep your advertising focused. The wider your scope,repparttar 121772 easier it gets to lose your reader. Write copy that coincides with current attitudes in your target group.

Use Laser-Like Alignment - The most successful copywriters know that they must keep their copywriting aligned withrepparttar 121773 market niche.

5. What to say....What to say:

Tell Them What You Do, not how you do it! What they really want to know about isrepparttar 121774 end result.

Tell Them What They Know - Another way to get your reader interested is to state a negative fact that your reader already knows, and offer a solution.

Findrepparttar 121775 Good in Everything - Rather than try to hide negative sides to your product, try making them known with a positive twist.

6. How can I get them to buy?

Use "special" benefits to make your product more attractive.

Offer Insider Information - People like to think they are getting something Exclusive or Special.

Use "Reward" and "Introduction" techniques. "Because you are a valued customer" or "Introducing" a new product.

Give a good reason for your price - Whether your price is higher or lower, explain why. Helprepparttar 121776 reader justifyrepparttar 121777 purchase.

Tempt Them with a Taste

Written by Lisa Lake

When first going into malls acrossrepparttar country, Chick-Fil-A sandwich shops probably did more for business by handing out free chicken samples than anything else. Who could resist a chunk of fried white chicken meat, lightly coated, offered to you on a toothpick from a tray dressed up with a doily? Samplers returned as customers, just asrepparttar 121759 company knew they would.

A specialty condiment company that hocked homemade jams and mustards at street fairs in Texas grew fantastically. They were awfully generous withrepparttar 121760 samples, spread on good crackers and fresh bread. Didn't loads of people take advantage ofrepparttar 121761 free food? Sure, but soon they were a mainstay at bazaars and big events, always with their spread of mustards and jams. People tastedrepparttar 121762 product, lovedrepparttar 121763 handsome jar labels, and bought them up. How much could it have cost them to open up10 or 15 jars during an event?

A classic selling dilemma isrepparttar 121764 need to help customers overrepparttar 121765 decision-making hump. Are they sure your product is worth their hard-earned money? This is your chance to eliminaterepparttar 121766 risk. It'srepparttar 121767 "free trial-offer" solution.

A baker I knew had earned a place in history when her recipe for Fudge Pecan Pie was published in Good Housekeeping Magazine. Still, people hesitated overrepparttar 121768 twelve-dollar price tag. She did two things: she served pieces byrepparttar 121769 slice. At a buck-fifty, it was easier to swallow. But swallow they did, and often walked out with a whole pie. Oncerepparttar 121770 fudge pie or cherry or lemon chess pie was already cut, she offered thin slices fromrepparttar 121771 remaining pie to people humming and hawing over a purchase. Never tasted strawberry pie? Oh, you can't live another day until you've tasted mine. This isrepparttar 121772 first time you've bought our famous bread pudding? I'll put another one inrepparttar 121773 bag so you won't have to return quite so soon.

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