12 Reasons You Should Learn to Play the Piano

Written by Emily Sigers

All right, folks, here you go: My 12 reasons why you should start learning how to playrepparttar piano. Immediately. As in today. This very minute.

Okay, fine, finish this article first, THEN get started. And yes, I know that there are more than just 12 reasons to playrepparttar 135286 piano. But I happen to likerepparttar 135287 number 12. :)

1) Everyone should play at least one instrument. I truly believe that. Every person on Earth should be able to sit at SOME instrument and be capable of making beautiful music.

2) Playingrepparttar 135288 piano makes you feel (and look) sophisticated. Truly. No matter who you are or how many warts you have, you'll just exude classrepparttar 135289 second you begin tickling those ivories.

3) Piano playing keeps your brain active. It's very hard for your brain to rot when you consistently throw itrepparttar 135290 musical language to interpret.

4) You won't run out of things to do when you're bored. There's always a new way to play, always a new approach to playing, and always, always, ALWAYS a new song to learn. (See number 8.)

5) Family members can live vicariously through you. I'm semi-serious about that. The reason I began taking piano lessons (back when I was 10) was because of grandparents who didn't play, and overrepparttar 135291 years I've had numerous relatives enjoy playing through me. (I live to serve.)

6) People will automatically assume you're a genius. Honestly, I've heard this a lot. People uttering "He/she playsrepparttar 135292 piano" inrepparttar 135293 same tone reserved for "He/she has an IQ of 174." You just can't help but admire someone playing an instrument.

The Birth Of Eskimo Inuit Art Prints

Written by Clint Leung

Unlike Inuit sculpture, art prints fromrepparttar Canadian Arctic are a twentieth century innovation in Inuit Eskimo art. One ofrepparttar 135147 most significant events that happened duringrepparttar 135148 development of contemporary Inuit art was when Canadian James Houston taughtrepparttar 135149 Inuit to make art prints by incising designs into linoleum tiles, stone blocks and stencils from sealskins. He had previously studied printmaking in Japan sincerepparttar 135150 Japanese were considered innovators in this art process.

One day in 1957, Houston met up with a local Inuit art carver byrepparttar 135151 name of Osuitok Ipeelee in Cape Dorset. Ipeelee had been studyingrepparttar 135152 identical printed images of a sailor's head on two cigarette packages he had. Houston demonstratedrepparttar 135153 process of printmaking torepparttar 135154 Inuit carver by rubbing ink onto one of Ipeelee's ivory tusk carvings and made an impression of it on a piece of toilet paper. Upon seeingrepparttar 135155 resulting graphic,repparttar 135156 Inuit artist said, "We could do that." This resulted inrepparttar 135157 birth of Eskimo Inuit art prints.

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