12 Places to Buy a Mailing List

Written by Jeffrey Dobkin

12 Places to Buy a Mailing List ©2001 Jeffrey Dobkin

There are two types of lists, determined by their origin: compiled lists and response lists.

Compiled lists are a common source of names and records that have been gathered, collected, and entered into a database. The names may have been acquired through public records such as vehicle owner registrations or high school teachers. Directories, such as a directory of plant maintenance engineers, are usually compiled lists. Many lists are compiled from categories in phone books acrossrepparttar U.S. Examples would be allrepparttar 108225 photography shops or allrepparttar 108226 luggage dealers inrepparttar 108227 United States. Or allrepparttar 108228 plumbing supply dealers.

Keep in mind that compiled information - like fish - gets old rather quickly and doesn’t age particularly well.

Response lists are data from people who have responded to an ad or who have purchased from a catalog, direct mail package, TV ad,or other offer.

With any mailing you are considering, first ask precisely what groups or what characteristics make uprepparttar 108229 perfect audience. Then try to find a list that matches these definable characteristics closely.

Good delivery percentages of your mailing piece to a specific audience can usually be found in lists of magazine subscribers. These lists are usually very targeted to their audience, and good because most publishers are extremely prompt with their name and address corrections. Call a magazine publisher and ask if their subscriber list is for sale, then ask forrepparttar 108230 name of their list broker.

There are over 10,000 magazines published so you can probably get a magazine subscription list that goes straight to your perfectly targeted buyers. If you’re not sure what magazines would be best, there are some easy-to-use periodical directories found in most reference libraries. The best directories of magazines are Burrelle’s Directory of Magazines (800-USMEDIA), Bacons (800-621-0561), SRDS (800-851-SRDS), and Oxbridge Communications Standard Periodical Directory (800-955-0231). If you can’t findrepparttar 108231 exact targeted magazine filled withrepparttar 108232 eager-to-buy-your-product subscribers you are looking for in any of these directories,repparttar 108233 publication doesn’t exist. You can find any industry - and allrepparttar 108234 magazines that are sent to that industry - in under 10 minutes in these useful directories.

Catalog houses earn a good portion of their revenue fromrepparttar 108235 sale of their lists. Callrepparttar 108236 catalog and ask for their business office, then ask who handles their list sales. Almost all catalog houses sell their lists. Catalog houses can be found inrepparttar 108237 Catalog of Catalogs from Woodbine House Publications (www.woodbinehouse.com; 800-843-7323; $28.95 PPD), and The Directory of Mail Order Catalogs from Grey House Publishing (www.greyhouse.com; 800-562-2139; $250).

Trade associations are usually an excellent source of mailing lists. Better associations always listrepparttar 108238 industry’s major players. Local associations likerepparttar 108239 Chamber of Commerce in your area are usually good for local business names. You can select by business size, number of employees, SIC code (the government’s industry classification of each business), or any of a multitude of other selection parameters. Two great sources for finding associations are reference books from Columbia Books, Inc. (888-265-0600; www.columbiabooks.com) publishers ofrepparttar 108240 State and Regional Associations Directory ($79) and The National Trade and Professional Associations ofrepparttar 108241 United States ($99). Mailing lists ofrepparttar 108242 associations are $100/M and are available on labels or disk.

Association lists and data are also available inrepparttar 108243 Encyclopedia of Associations by The Gale Group (800-877-GALE) on disk, CD, and on-line through Lexis-Nexis. This hardbound, three-volume set ($505) isrepparttar 108244 motherload of associations - showing detailed information on more than 23,000 local, state, national, and international associations.

Trade show lists are also great marketing tools - lists of both attendees and of exhibitors. Check out two great websites: www.tscentral.com and www.tradeshowweek.com for trade show information. The Tradeshow Week Data Book (213-965-5300; $355) is a great tool published byrepparttar 108245 editors of Tradeshow Week Magazine. Another great trade show directory isrepparttar 108246 TradeShows and Exhibits Schedule from Bill Communications (800-266-4712, 856-619-5800) - organized by industry, by location, by date, and in alphabetical order for fast look-ups.

Two excellent resources for investigating lists atrepparttar 108247 library arerepparttar 108248 SRDS Direct Marketing List Source™ (800-851-SRDS) andrepparttar 108249 Oxbridge Communications National Directory of Mailing Lists (800-955-0231). We use both in our own office - they’re thorough and exceptionally easy to use. These reference tools are each aboutrepparttar 108250 size ofrepparttar 108251 Manhattan phone book and contain nothing but list data: who owns what list, number of records in each, source of names and, list pricing. Both tools are available in major libraries.

List brokers are found inrepparttar 108252 phone book in every major city. They can be heaven, supplying incredible information, or hell, looking for that fast buck. Make sure you ask tons of questions before handing over any money. While you payrepparttar 108253 broker, he actually works forrepparttar 108254 list owner - so take that into consideration when you ask questions and negotiate price.

How-To 'Bond Like Super-Glue' With Your Subscribers!

Written by Michael Green

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How-To 'Bond Like Super-Glue' With Your Subscribers!

By Michael Green


Every successful Ezine editor knows one thing that all failing editors have yet to learn...

"If you’re going to make 'real' money from your Ezine newsletter, by earning cash every time you hitrepparttar 'Send' key to dispatch your latest edition; then first you need to gainrepparttar 108224 undying trust and devotion of your list of subscribers in fact, you've got to 'Bond like Super-Glue' to each and every one of your readers!"


But where doesrepparttar 108225 average Ezine owner get their hands on that kind of 'Subscriber Bonding-Substance?'

The answer is that an Ezine editor has to make their own glue and it takes a little time, perseverance and effort!

You see people buy products once trust has been developed (not before) and too many list owners makerepparttar 108226 basic mistake of trying to putrepparttar 108227 kart beforerepparttar 108228 horse. They attempt to 'hard-sell' products that they are affiliated to, right from issue number #1 of their Ezine. But unfortunately - they fail to realize that trust has yet to be built-up betweenrepparttar 108229 newsletter and its readers. And that is fatal!


Nobody wants to be hard-sold to by a virtual or complete stranger, and that's inrepparttar 108230 real offline world. You can multiply that old maxim by a hundred inrepparttar 108231 scam-rich online environment.

Now Ezine list owners who forget that they promised their readership quality, useful and informative information - when they first signed up - are thenrepparttar 108232 exact same people who are most surprised when they discover that they’re not making a decent return from their online efforts.


Recently an Ezine owner contacted me anxious to discover why his own Ezine (with a 5,000 subscriber base) was failing to make profits.

I asked to see a copy and when I did,repparttar 108233 answer was shockingly obvious...

1. There was no original content of benefit torepparttar 108234 reader. 2. EVERY link was an affiliate program he was signed up to. 3. The editor made no attempt to befriendrepparttar 108235 reader. 4. No sense of which anglerepparttar 108236 Ezine was coming from. 5. There was nothing to indicate who it was aimed at either.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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