11 Tips to Enjoy Summer Life and Still Keep Your Shape

Written by Emily Clark

Summer is about to be in full swing, and it's that time when everyone wants to look impressive in their "lack" of clothing. While I can't promise you that you'll achieve a fitness model body, I can at least give you some simple but important tips in achieving a leaner physique. Listen up! Behavioral changes guarantee your success - not just knowledge alone. You may already have drawn out your road map with your nutritional plan and your workouts, so take that strategy and ACT on it. Stay motivated and consistently remind yourself of your fitness goal. Here are 11 basic tips to get you jumpstarted!

1. CUT THE SIMPLE CARBS. It's unfortunate thatrepparttar majority of society is a "carb junkie." This especially applies to overweight individuals mainly because their bodies struggle with insulin sensitivity. Our body absolutely needs carbohydrates, but one has to learn to appropriately reverserepparttar 144553 ratio of simple carbs (high glycemic) to complex carbs (low glycemic). Most importantly reducing total sugar intake. Having a positive ratio of complex to simple carbs will allowrepparttar 144554 body to regulate blood sugar levels, burn more fat as fuel, and ultimately lose more weight.

2. EAT SMALLER, MORE FREQUENT MEALS. Smaller, frequent feedings about every 3-4 hours prevents your blood sugar levels from spiking dramatically throughoutrepparttar 144555 day. This helps your hormones stay in check, while regulating hunger as well. Ultimately, it helps elevate metabolism, it's easier on your digestive system, and it can eventually provide you with more energy throughoutrepparttar 144556 day.

3. CONSUME MORE FUNCTIONAL FATS. Essential fatty acids, such as omega-6 and omega-3 consumed in appropriate ratios of 2:1 or better yet at 1:1 will allowrepparttar 144557 body to regulate your hormones, calm down inflammation, and stabilize blood sugar levels. This eventually leads to greater fat loss. So suck it up, and buy your fish and flax oils at your local health food store.

4. DOWN THAT WATER. Water is often overlooked, but it'srepparttar 144558 number one nutrient for our body to survive. Staying hydrated aids with digestion, curbs your appetite, and flushes our metabolic waste. Make sure to get in at least 64 oz per day.

5. INCREASE FIBER INTAKE. This nutrient keeps food moving along your gastrointestinal tract, and like water, it aids in flushing metabolic waste. It also helps maintain consistent energy levels, slowsrepparttar 144559 rate of carbohydrate digestion, which stabilizes blood sugar levels.

6. ABSTAIN FROM ALCOHOL. Not only is alcohol estrogenic (negatively affects testosterone for men), can lead to fat gain, and has a whopping nutrition-empty 7 calories per gram, but it takes precedence over fat metabolism when introduced intorepparttar 144560 body. Alcohol actually shuts downrepparttar 144561 fat burning mechanism for up to 48 hours, so avoid it as much as possible.

Discover Which Fruit and Vegetables Help Relieve Arthritic Pain

Written by Emily Clark

If you or someone you know suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, you know how painful and debilitating it can be. If you haven’t walked a mile in those shoes, you can’t imagine how frustrating it can be. Your doctor may say try this medication, try that. Don’t do this, do that. But sometimes, to no avail. The disease is caused by a misguided immune system attack onrepparttar body's own joint tissue, which leads to swelling, pain, stiffness and in some cases deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common among women than men.

Perhaps what you’re eating, or more specifically what you’re not eating can be causing some of your soreness. Recent findings suggest that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes and certain oils aids in relieving symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. After following a diet rich in fruits and veggies for three months, people with rheumatoid arthritis experienced a number of improvements not seen in people following a typical American diet high in processed foods. Some ofrepparttar 144552 improvements shown include a decrease in pain, inflammation, disease activity and inrepparttar 144553 number of swollen joints. Further, previous research suggested that more olive oil and cooked vegetables help protect people fromrepparttar 144554 symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

The current results suggest that "patients with (rheumatoid arthritis) can obtain better physical function and increase their vitality" from eating a fruit, vegetables, legumes and some oils diet for three months, write Dr. Lars Skoldstam of Visby Hospital in Sweden and colleagues.

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