11 Quick and Good Ezine Content Ideas

Written by Alexandria K. Brown

Publishing an e-zine isrepparttar ideal opportunity to showcase your business. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you build credibility as an expert, while spreadingrepparttar 135972 word about your services and products.

While sometimes you'll have dozens of content ideas, other times you'll find yourself staring at a blank computer screen, grumbling that it’s publishing time again. Well, have no fear! Here are 11 quick (and good) content ideas for when you’re in a pinch.

1. Give real-life examples. Describe a problem you’ve solved for a client/customer, and use that as a springboard to offer more general advice. Show your readers how you’ve helped customers address challenges — “case studies” if you will. This positions you asrepparttar 135973 expert in your readers” minds more than your coming out and saying so.

2. Think of three areas in which you’d like your clients to think of you as a resource. Now develop content in those areas. For example, as a professional copywriter, I really enjoy working on Web sites. To help encourage my clients and prospects to hire me for these projects, I published several articles on how to write Web copy that sells.

3. Read industry publications for ideas. Are there any hot issues in your field right now? The more controversial,repparttar 135974 better. Don’t be afraid to offer your own opinion — your readers want to know it. After all, YOU arerepparttar 135975 expert! ; )

4. Jot down 8 questions your clients have asked you inrepparttar 135976 past. You know,repparttar 135977 ones they ask you over and over. Answer each in a short article. If you publish weekly, that’s two months' worth of content, right offrepparttar 135978 bat! And if you can’t think of any questions, send all your current clients/customers a quick e-mail, asking them what topics they’re most interested in learning more about.

5. Learn anything neat lately from an industry conference, workshop, seminar, or insightful article? No one says you have to reinventrepparttar 135979 wheel of information! Pass on any gems of advice you’ve learned elsewhere — just give them full attribution. Or give your opinion ofrepparttar 135980 event or article itself — your readers will appreciate your frankness.

6. Offer a list of your top 5 or 10 tips on a certain subject. It’s much easier to bang out a list of tips than to put together a real article. Of course,repparttar 135981 tips can evolve into an article if you wish! Be sure to list your best tip first, or at least close torepparttar 135982 top. (If you “fire your biggest gun” last, you risk losing your audience before they get torepparttar 135983 good stuff.)

How to Get E-zine Subscribers From In-Person Events

Written by Alexandria K. Brown

While I run my business completely online, I really enjoy attending in-person events and seminars here in Los Angeles and aroundrepparttar country. I'm sure you find these events valuable too. The problem most of us have with networking, however, is following up withrepparttar 135971 people we meet.

An easy way to follow-up powerfully and automatically is to turn these folks into e-zine subscribers. This ensures that you'll haverepparttar 135972 chance to repeatedly teach them how great your products/services are while building their trust in you.

But how do you "capture" people in person? Remember, you can NEVER sign someone up unless they specifically ask you to be signed up — it's unethical.

So you need to encourage people you meet in person to join your list, and make it easy for them. And I have three successful strategies to share with you.

1) Advertise Your E-zine on Your Business Card (or Brochure) Nothing gets passed around at a networking event more thanrepparttar 135973 good old business card. But what's onrepparttar 135974 BACK of your cards?


Well, from now on you're going to use that valuable real estate. Next time you print new cards, userepparttar 135975 flip side! Create a brief message that promotes your e-zine and gives information on how to subscribe. When someone you meet looks at your business card again when she's back atrepparttar 135976 office, she'll be much more likely to subscribe when she seesrepparttar 135977 reminder on your card.

As an example, here's what I have onrepparttar 135978 back of my new cards:

"Promote your business with an e-zine! Sign up for FREE biweekly tips at www.EzineQueen.com."

BONUS: This strategy also gets these people to visit your Web site, which they may not have done otherwise.

If you aren't ready to print new cards for a while, use your computer to print your message onto labels, and affix them torepparttar 135979 backs of your cards. Cheap and easy!

2) Follow Up With Each Person You Meet Via E-Mail After each event I go to, I aim to follow up with every person I met with via e-mail within three days. In that e-mail, I remindrepparttar 135980 person that she can sign up for my FREE tips at my Web site. Here's an example of a note I sent out recently:

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