11 FREE Ways How To Explode Your Website Traffic Hit Counter

Written by www.affila.com

Every website needs traffic because without traffic it's impossible to sell anything. Here are 11 simple ways how you can get your website hit counter explode.

1) Start an affiliate program. It'srepparttar #1 way how to get high quality traffic to your website. Almost every successful online business has an affiliate program.

2) Build an opt in list. This isrepparttar 120411 most important factor of any internet business. With an opt in list you can get massive high-quality traffic to any website instantly. Every successful internet marketer has an opt in list. Learn how to build a massive opt in list by sending a blank email to affila@aweber.com

3) Use a tool such as Traffic Equalizer. This tool instantly creates thousands of search engine friendly pages for your website. Each page is targeted for one keyphrase and gets traffic from search engines. Getrepparttar 120412 tool at trafficequalizer.com

4) Write articles and submit them to article directories and ezine publishers. Collect a list of ezine publishers and submit your articles to them. Also submit your articles to article directories.

5) Exchange links with other websites. Exchanging links with hundreds of other websites can bring heavy traffic to your website. You can exchange links very fast using ARELIS link exchange tool at axandra-link-popularity-tool.com

6) Create a brandable viral ebook that promotes your website. Give this ebook to marketers with large opt in lists. Let them customize it with their affiliate links that point to your website and give it away to their subscribers for free. This will bring steady, non stop traffic to your website.

Are You Driving Your Marketing Like a Stuntman or a Reckless Driver?

Written by Dan Hamilton

Dear Friend,

Ideally, you should drive your marketing like a wise stuntman and not a reckless driver. Prior to executing any daring stunt, a stuntman always studies and evaluates allrepparttar different parameters involved and allrepparttar 120410 possible scenarios with their associated level of risk.

Depending on whetherrepparttar 120411 probabilities of success appear to be high or low,repparttar 120412 stunt will be marked as feasible or not feasible -- nobody wants to risk loosing their life stupidly.

Oncerepparttar 120413 stunt has been retained as feasible,repparttar 120414 execution will be rehearsed many times. First on paper, then mentally. Over and over,repparttar 120415 stuntman will go throughrepparttar 120416 whole event and When he feels ready, he will executerepparttar 120417 stunt in front of an audience of astonished people. What appears to be very daring or was even known as impossible to do, has been executed perfectly.

On Thursday May 20, 1999 Robbie Knievel completed such a stunt: a 231 ft leap over a section ofrepparttar 120418 Grand Canyon. It was certainly one ofrepparttar 120419 most daring stunt. All parameters must have been studied and evaluated withrepparttar 120420 highest precision: location, speed, angle, wind, etc... Success was no coincidence.

Let's not forget such a daring stunt isrepparttar 120421 result of several weeks, if not months of careful evaluations, precise simulations, and a meticulous preparation based on wise decisions -- somebody's life is onrepparttar 120422 line after all. What a good example of successful risk-management that is!

It is pretty muchrepparttar 120423 same if you want to run successful marketing campaigns: you need to plan thoroughly, to evaluate carefully. Weeks or months of preparation are likely to be needed in order to be successful.

How is your driving, marketingwise? Do you step onrepparttar 120424 gas pedal as soon as you get in your marketing vehicle without planning thoroughly? How well do you know your vehicle and allrepparttar 120425 different options? How well do you knowrepparttar 120426 terrain? How precisely have you studied allrepparttar 120427 different parameters? How well do you knowrepparttar 120428 scope of your campaign? Do you have what it takes to run a successful marketing campaign?

How well and accurately you can answer these questions will determine your level of success. There are many more questions you should ask yourself before putting your hands onrepparttar 120429 stirrer and start uprepparttar 120430 engine.

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