10 free resources for a happy healthier Internet marketer

Written by Pam Renovato

Marketing onrepparttar Internet can be tedious not to mention expensive. While it may be awhile before you can get away fromrepparttar 121697 18 hr days many of us experience inrepparttar 121698 beginning we do not always have to spend as much money as we think we do. There are many free resources that are very valuable if we know where to look. But it can take us many hours sifitng through all ofrepparttar 121699 free resources before we findrepparttar 121700 ones that are useful.

So..... if you are interested in saving both time and money and would like to do so with out pulling out all of your hair and screaming in frustration- I have created a small list for you:


1. This search engine lists all free stuff related to web masters. You will find a listing of free Banners, Graphics, Hosting, Tickers, Promotion, Keywords, Award, Redirecting ,Subdomains, Remote Scrips, Guestbooks, Boards, Services Fax, Storage Space, Internet Statistic, Counters, Analyzers and much more. http://www.prospector.cz/


2. If you do not yet have business cards for your online business. You can receive 250 free business cards from VistaPrint. You are only required to pay for shipping and handling. http://www.vistaprint.com


3. There is a new program out there called Start Blaze. I highly recommend this traffic generating program. You simply earn hits by setting your home page to your Startblaze URL This program works! http://www.startblaze.com/cgi-bin/intro.cgi?50622


4. There are a number of ezine editors still offering free ezine ads for subscribing. This is a great way to test your ads. Here is a long list here: http://freeezineads.com/


5. If you utilize pay per click search engines in your marketing campaign- this search engine will allow you $10 worth of free bids just to sign up to give awayrepparttar 121701 free $10 credit to other web masters. Sign up for this program here: http://www.pacificalabs.tv/b2bpostal.html

Letterhead on Email Offers Exposure, Credibility and an Excellent Marketing Opportunity

Written by Alfred J. Lautenslager

Internet marketers are well aware ofrepparttar power of signature files. All ofrepparttar 121696 Internet gurus recommend them as a fundamental tool to online marketing. Many, many sales are generated every day because of them. They are easy, simple and automatic.

They sit like little signs alongrepparttar 121697 road, passively advertising your product, service and opportunity with every e-mail you send. They are comprised of a few words or lines of text and a URL or autoresponder e-mail address, as well as other contact information.

While we all know what a valuable toolrepparttar 121698 signature file is, many of them are missed or ignored all together. After awhile, many marketers stop caring whatrepparttar 121699 other guy has to promote. It is easy to ignore a few lines of text tagged ontorepparttar 121700 end of an e-mail.


The signature file, that little sign alongrepparttar 121701 road is powerful. But posting a BILLBOARD to compliment your little roadside sign makes this even MORE POWERFUL. Placing a full color LETTERHEAD on each e-mail you send, featuring your company name, URL, your name, e-mail address, any additional contact information you wish will advertise for you even while you are sleeping. You can even display a photo of you or a graphic of your product.



EVERY e-mail you send will expose your company or product FRONT AND CENTER! Sayrepparttar 121702 flagship product forrepparttar 121703 nutritional company you are marketing for, XYZ Nutritionals, is Great Grape Antioxidants.

Your letterhead features a graphic or a photo ofrepparttar 121704 Great Grape Antioxidants bottle (or even justrepparttar 121705 name as well asrepparttar 121706 company name). Maybe you could add another line like, fights free radicals, or 8 out of every 10 doctors take antioxidants, or 50 times more powerful than Vitamin C, or something to that effect.

You send e-mails to Aunt Bea regularly but gosh, you just do not want to push her into anything. You never really mention Great Grape. Just maybe some day she will look at her e-mail andrepparttar 121707 message will click, 8 out of every 10 DOCTORS??? Who knows? Maybe Aunt Bea will be your next customer. Maybe she will feel so great she will tell her friends and you will have half of them too. Who KNOWS what it will all lead to?

Do you have a DOWNLINE? Imagine this. Takerepparttar 121708 number of people in your downline and multiply that byrepparttar 121709 number of e-mails that each one of them SENDS, REPLIES TO, and/or FORWARDS in a single day, whether they be personal or business.

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