10 Ways to market your web site – and have it market YOU.

Written by Mindie Burgoyne

Once your web site is done, it does you little good to have it sitting static onrepparttar net waiting for those visitor “clicks.” High numbers of visits to your site from potential customers or clients rarely happen by accident. They are a result of a well designed internet marketing plan.

When our company pitchesrepparttar 120683 benefits of having a web site, we emphasize that a web site is not a form of advertising. An advertisement is owned byrepparttar 120684 vendor who sells it to you. It runs for a specified amount of time and then is gone. It’s a one time shot to make an impression. A web site is a marketing tool that is up 24 - 7, specifically used for communication. It is owned by you forever, and you use it to communicate withrepparttar 120685 outside world and through it,repparttar 120686 outside world can communicate with you.

Other communication tools used by companies are telephones, fax machines, snail mail and personal contact. You can sell and advertise with these tools, but their benefits are far more versatile as arerepparttar 120687 benefits of your web site. And just as you have to pay your phone bill, though you ownrepparttar 120688 phone and fax, you must payrepparttar 120689 web hosting bill – butrepparttar 120690 phone,repparttar 120691 fax machine andrepparttar 120692 web site are your property and part of your company’s assets.  

Once your web is launched, it's time to start marketing with it. Most web designers will offer to do this marketing piece for you for a fee, but we encourage our clients to assign a person in house to dorepparttar 120693 marketing piece. Why? Because web marketing is not difficult if you have a plan. It's an ongoing process. The Internet is constantly changing, and someone insiderepparttar 120694 company should be familiar withrepparttar 120695 status ofrepparttar 120696 web site and its growth and how it’s adapting torepparttar 120697 changing cyber world. It can take as little as one hour a week, and a person onrepparttar 120698 inside is naturally going to have more zeal for seeing that your page rank is climbing and your visitor traffic increasing.

Here are our company’s Ten Suggestions to Marketing Your Web Site.

1. Check your web stats daily if possible.Pay close attention to number of clicks by unique visitors andrepparttar 120699 referring site. These fields indicate how many individuals are visiting your site and where they came from. It will also show which search engines brought visitors to your site.

Most servers provide traffic analysis tools. There are also commercial programs that will give an abundance of web traffic information and analysis. One good web based traffic analyzer that has a good FREE version can be found at www.statcounter.com.

2. Scanrepparttar 120700 major Search Engines for your company.

Run a search using your company’s name inrepparttar 120701 major search engines (Google, AOL, Yahoo, MSN, alltheweb). Wherever your company shows up, check with that website to see if they will include your URL where your name is listed. It is best to call personally, and then follow up with an email.

3. Search your competitors.

Run searches on your competitors withrepparttar 120702 major search engines to see where they are listed. See about getting your link listed on these sites or similar sites.

4. Check your area Chambers of Commerce.

If your area Chambers have web sites that list URLs of members, it may be worth your while to buy a membership with that Chamber – especially if that particular Chamber’s web site gets a lot of hits.

A Chamber advertisement is good for a whole year of membership. When you break it down to a monthly cost of having your link on their site, is generally is affordable. If your chamber has a high page rank, having your site listed there could boost your rank.

5. Put your web address everywhere.

Be sure to include your web address on ALL advertising materials (business cards, newspaper ads, web ads, flyers, brochures, stationary). A good rule of thumb – “if you put your company name on it, put your web site address on it as well.”

Does your company make deliveries? If so, putrepparttar 120703 web address onrepparttar 120704 delivery vehicle. Even a small magnetic sign on a car can be affective.

Review of EzineAnnouncer

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

The most critical piece of software in my article submission arsenal is EzineAnnouncer. I've been using EzineAnnouncer, developed by Jason Potash, for ten months with a great deal of success and just a little aggravation.

EzineAnnouncer automates ezine submission to directories and announcement lists, registration of articles in directories, submission of articles to ezines and article announcement lists and posting and tracking of free ezine ads. Article and ezine submission projects that used to take me a dozen hours each are now reduced by more than half which greatly improves my efficiency and profit margin.

EzineAnnouncer is easy to install and comes with five tutorial videos that are a must view for new users. Without viewingrepparttar videos evenrepparttar 120682 most seasoned computer professional can have problems getting started with EzineAnnouncer. Even after viewingrepparttar 120683 videos I had some questions which were answered by Jason in a timely manner.

Included with EzineAnnouncer is a database of article directories and announcement lists, ezine directories, free ad ezines, ezine announcement lists and numerous ezines that accept article submissions. Unfortunately,repparttar 120684 current database is sadly out-of-date which is not a problem if, like me, you have your own database which can easily be added torepparttar 120685 software. Jason has assured me that a newly updated database will be available in January with all current owners receiving a free copy.

The real value of EzineAnnouncer, in my opinion, isrepparttar 120686 automation of submissions. Many ofrepparttar 120687 included resources requirerepparttar 120688 use of submission forms and each form is different. The database has each form pre-filled using macros andrepparttar 120689 information you provide when setting up your ezine or article. E-mail submissions are made using premade e-mail templates that are easily customized for each submission project.

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