10 Ways to Tackle Keyword Research and Selection

Written by By Michael Murray, VP of Fathom SEO

You need to be extremely careful with keyword research so that you don't miss excellent opportunities or aim so broadly that you target phrases that will never rank well. Here are 10 strategies to guide you alongrepparttar way:

1. Know your potential customers. We can't tell you how many businesses we've met who simply pick keywords out of thin air. They don't talk to customers or hot prospects in order to determine what might be a useful set of keywords.

2. Start with core words. A core set of keywords - even if too broad - can stimulate creative thinking.

3. Look atrepparttar 136562 industry. Examine industry trade group web sites and related newsletters to find potential keywords.

4. Study competitors. Some companies make a bigger deal of competitors' keywords than they should, but it's still a useful strategy. Invariably, a competitor will be using a strong keyword or phrase you don't want to miss. Often, however, they load their web sites with single keywords that aren't appropriate. If Internet users are seeking cookware, their search terms shouldn't be laundry-based words. Yet we came across that very example. Be careful which words you use.

5. Be specific - add other words to your primary phrases. If you sell metal, try metal stamping or metal stampers. Or, how about metal stamping companies? Words like services, companies, products, accessories, and many others can really pay off. Ok, everyone wants to rank #1 for terms like "toys" and "sports." It would take more time and budget than you may have to land such terms (through META updates, content adjustments and links).

Can Google Really Deliver Country Specific Searching?

Written by Martin Lemieux

Can Google Really Deliver Country Specific Searching? By: Martin Lemieux

This is a serious matter, can Google really deliver top quality search results for other countries? The answer so far is "sort of". In this article I will use Canada as an example ofrepparttar quality or lack of thereof, that is delivered by Google's search results.

Let's take a look at Canadian search results by Google.ca:

When you highlight "Canada" through Google search results and then start searching, you may be surprised atrepparttar 136433 amount of companies that aren't really Canadian. All of this also applies forrepparttar 136434 UK and other major markets as well...

In fact, many ofrepparttar 136435 "paid results" come from American companies. Now some would argue that this is to be expected, coming from American companies with large budgets but I would disagree because a lot ofrepparttar 136436 bulk ofrepparttar 136437 "Canadian specific" results are also American companies.

It is quite evident that this is a growing concern with business owners residing in different countries.

As an owner not fromrepparttar 136438 US, I would rather compete with companies that are more local than not, simply becauserepparttar 136439 results would then be relevant. Irrelevant results equal to poor results and less people takerepparttar 136440 search results seriously when they keep sifting through poor quality results online.

For example; If you highlight "search in Canada" and search for "web design",repparttar 136441 top 2 results seem not to be from Canada. This is a serious issue. What if people click on "I'm feeling lucky", they are redirected to a company outside of Canada. The average person won't know what to think about that and may disregard searching through Canadian results any further.

The more content specificrepparttar 136442 results are,repparttar 136443 more people will search through those results. The more people will tell their friends & peers to search through those results. See, as web marketers, we do haverepparttar 136444 power to create a search term that people get familiar with. Just look at "Blogging". A couple of years ago, if you asked people to search online for "blogging" sites, you would have had a lot of confused faces staring at you. Nowadays, if you search for blogging, there are more than 900,000 results found in Google and to top that off, there is more than enough paid advertisers as well.

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